After an Abortion, will the Clinic give me Birth Control to use for the Future?

At your initial consultation at the abortion clinic you will be asked lots of questions about your medical and sexual health. The specialists at the clinic will go over all your options and what abortion methods are suitable for you and your stage of pregnancy.

As, once you have had your abortion, you will be at your most fertile and can become pregnant again within a week of having an abortion you will also be asked what your contraceptive method is and what you will be doing in the future to prevent another pregnancy. You are advised not to have sexual intercourse for at least two weeks after having an abortion and to wait until the bleeding has stopped to prevent infection.

All the contraceptive options available to you will be discussed and the clinic and they will help you choose the one that is right for you. After your abortion the clinic will make sure you have your chosen contraceptive with you after you leave the clinic.

Some clinics may also offer the service to be sterilised at the same time as having an abortion but that is another more final solution to preventing unplanned pregnancies.