Twin-Cannula Assisted Liposuction - TCAL/TCL

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This is a variation of power-assisted liposuction (PAL) and involves the use of a cannula that has two parts.  The inner part of the cannula is used to suction out the fat cells, whereas the outer part is used to replicate the movements of a surgeon in breaking away the fat cells.  This helps to reduce the amount of effort that your surgeon makes to remove the cells, allowing them to concentrate for longer, and not get tired throughout the procedure. As well as this, having the suction part within the tool helps to keep tissue damage to a minimal as well as allowing less bleeding or bruising from the procedure.  Rather than having two different tools, one for fat breakdown and another for suction a twin-cannula allows both to occur simultaneously.  The twin cannula is basically a power-assisted liposuction tool.