CARE Sheffield

There are various types of fertility treatments and the contact telephone number and address for CARE Sheffield, can be found below.

If you would like to find out if you are suitable for fertility treatment or information about a particular procedure or treatment, contact a local clinic.

CARE Sheffield

CARE Sheffield
24-26 Glen Road
S7 1RA
Tel: 0114 258 9716

Clinic details: In vitro fertilisation's development and advancement completely revolutionised the field of fertility treatment and what could be achieved if a couple had been diagnosed with infertility. The procedure is conceptually simple, and basically involves taking the genetic material that would normally interact during sexual intercourse from a man and woman, namely the sperm and eggs respectively, and introducing these in a glass dish designed to give them the best chance of meeting and fertilising one another. Human fertility is extremely complex, and in many cases the cause of infertility disrupts the chances of a successful interaction between sperm and egg, called fertilisation, and what IVF offers is a simple method to introduce these elements in such a manner that fertilisation is much more likely to occur. Once fertilisation happens within an IVF dish, the next stage is to allow the embryos to grow until they are fit for implantation, which means placement into a womb where hopefully that embryo will grow as per usual. The chances of success are increasing as the technologies around IVF are constantly improving and CARE is right at the forefront of these advancements. One of these technological advances is in the form of ICSI, also offered at CARE Sheffield. This procedure, also known by its fuller name, intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection, makes IVF possible for men whose sperm are, by themselves, unable to fertilise an egg. ICSI also increases the chances of a successful fertilisation dramatically, and it does all this by injecting a sperm cell into an egg cell directly. IVF and ICSI are both provided by CARE Sheffield at excellent standards, and for under 35s their reported success rates are above the national average. Other treatments are also available onsite, and these include insemination (from donors if necessary) and storage of embryos, eggs, and sperm.

Fertility treatment at this clinic: When choosing a fertility treatment provider there are many different factors to consider and a lot of jargon to get through. Ultimately your choice will come down to which provider is best able to give you the outcome you are looking for, which is a solution to your infertility, and in most cases, a live birth. At CARE Fertility, which includes an outstanding CARE Sheffield branch, the best chances of pregnancy are offered regardless of whether or not you have had failed treatments in the past. CARE Fertility report an absolutely staggering pregnancy rate of 68.8% for their patients under the age of 37 within the first cycle, a figure made more remarkable by the fact that it is reported in the first cycle of treatment and is in fact double the national average. Where you may have not had much luck with treatments in the past, CARE Sheffield might be able to provide you with some hope as cutting edge innovations are offered by CARE Fertility. Array CGH is a technique exclusively developed by CARE Fertility for example, and the cutting edge PGD pre-implantation genetic diagnosis testing procedure allows for the healthiest embryos to be chosen for implantation and pregnancy. This ensures an all-round excellent service in which you can be confident, where only the latest technologies are used by staff who are more than experienced in their use. CARE aren't happy with just using the best available, but also pushing the boundaries of available technologies to give its patients the best chances at a healthy and fulfilling pregnancy.

Services offered at this clinic: Private and NHS patients treated, donor insemination (stimulated and unstimulated), intrauterine insemination (stimulated), in vitro fertilisation (IVF), intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), blastocyst transfer, ICSI an IVF with donor sperm, eggs, and embryos, sperm donors and egg donors recruited for the treatment of others, dedicated counsellor on-site and counselling service, embryo storage, sperm storage, testicular tissue storage, egg storage for cancer patients, embryo storage for cancer patients, translator services, patients with Hepatitis B treated, sperm retrieval (PESA and TESA), induction of ovulation, ovulation monitoring, sperm assessment