Cost of Breast Reduction Surgery

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When looking at funding breast reduction surgery you have a number of options available to you, these include funding through the NHS, private surgery and surgery abroad. You will be required to meet specific guidelines to be considered for surgery, this is to ensure your safety throughout. You will also find that you have various price choices available to you and this will require you to undertake a lot of research to ensure you get the best deal possible.

Funding on the NHS

To receive funding through the NHS you will firstly need to visit your GP, you must then be referred on to an NHS hospital that deals with this type of surgery. You must be able to prove that your breast size is causing you substantial problems either medically or mentally. If you suffer from back, neck or shoulder pain, or skin problems caused by the size of your breasts you may be considered for funding.  You may also be a good candidate if the size of your breasts are causing you self confidence issues; these can be due to unwanted attention, embarrassment and harassment or general depression due to the look of your breasts. You should be able to prove that your breasts are causing you clinical problems for the NHS to consider your case. If you are considered for funding from the NHS you may find it a lengthy process as your application for finance will be discussed and considered by a number of people and your name may have to be placed on a waiting list.

Breast reduction at private clinics

If you are looking at having your surgery completed privately within the UK, you will also need to meet specific requirements which will ensure your safety throughout the procedure. The Care Quality Commission is responsible for ensuring that all private health care clinics are up to scratch, and that they meet specific safety requirements. You should be suffering from specific pain or problems with your self confidence due to the size of your breasts; you may also with private health care undergo this type of surgery to improve your appearance. Many women find that due to large breasts they are unable to wear specific lingerie or fashionable clothes, if you are able to afford the surgery and you feel it will improve your life and your lifestyle you may be considered for surgery. You must remember however that it is the job of the surgery to ensure your safety throughout; you should make sure that the choice to go ahead with this surgery is YOUR own and you have not been influenced by anybody else.  The price of surgery through private UK healthcare ranges from between £3,700 to £5,500, many clinics will offer special offers throughout the year, for example running 30% off final prices if you book by a certain date. The difference in price is often due to the type of clinic you choose and the type of aftercare package you will receive following your surgery.

Breast reduction abroad

Going abroad for surgery is often a very appealing choice as prices can be substantially cheaper; surgeries in Europe often offer this type of surgery for between £2,500 to £3,500. However you may find prices much cheaper across the world, for instance in Cuba the price of the procedure is offered at just £1000, offering a saving of around 80% compared to UK pricing. You should however consider what is included in the price. Some clinics offer surgery, accommodation and travel packages for one price where as other surgeries will only offer the price of the procedure, so you will therefore need to find travel and accommodation yourself. Often even with the price of all three aspects the price of surgery is still cheaper abroad, you should however chose this option with caution as it is much harder for surgeries abroad to offer emergency services or full aftercare packages. You should complete thorough research making sure you look at the clinic, the staff members employed by the clinic and their qualifications, as well as looking at what happens if complications might occur, this is to ensure you get the best deal possible as well as ensuring your safety.

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