Finding a Brow Lift Surgeon

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Plastic surgery clinics exist all over the country, doing research on the internet or popping in, picking up a brochure will help you decide upon which surgeon or clinic is right for you.


Once you have found the plastic surgery clinic you are interested in you must arrange a consultation with one of its surgeons. During this consultation you will be asked question about your medical history, and likely need to fill in a questionnaire to detail this before you attend. The surgeon will need to know of any past medical conditions, any medication you might be taking, along with the specifics of your eyes - whether you were contact lenses and glasses, if you’ve had problems with infections, or whether any laser eye surgery has been had, along with any other surgery you might have had or anti-wrinkle injections used. The surgeon will also need to know about any allergies you may suffer from. Using this information they can properly assess and decide upon the right type of surgery for you, and whether you might suffer from complications due to your heart, lungs or blood pressure - which is sometimes examined with lab tests, but rarely if you are in good health. If you are on any medication prior to your operation you might need to consult your GP to discuss reduction of this, just before your surgery, but this will be advised upon by the consulting surgeon at the clinic.

The surgeon will then examine the state of your eyes and skin, so as to asses what they will need to do during surgery. This is your opportunity to detail what exactly you want to gain from the surgery, and what you hope to be achieved during it. The surgery will be discussed thoroughly with you, and the surgeon will point out exactly what and where he is going to operate on, and what effects this should have upon your overall appearance. During this period you will be photographed so that the results of the surgery can be fully appreciated.

The surgeon will likely schedule more than one consultation before surgery to make sure you have sufficiently explained your hopes and answer any questions you may have, and they will be sure to tell you about any risks or complications that may occur, so that you have the adequate time to decide.

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