Cost of Buccal Fat Removal

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Surgery pricing is not black and white and the overall cost will depend on multiple factors such as whether or not the clinic charges consultation fees, the quality of the facilities, the quality of the surgeons and the quality, or even complete lack of, an aftercare plan or package.

This said for buccal fat removal you should expect to pay around £3000-£4000 to have the procedure performed by a reputable surgeon in a good facility within the UK.

Going Abroad

One way you could cut this cost is by having the surgery done abroad. Although you would need to factor in travel and accommodation costs, often this option still works out cheaper than the surgery alone would cost in the UK. It is worth noting a couple of things about having surgery abroad though. Firstly arranging this can be stressful as a lot of research will need to be done in addition to selecting a clinic, accommodation near-by and of course arranging flights. Secondly as there are more risks attached to having surgery abroad you may find that the level of research you need to do, in order to find a reputable surgeon and safe and clean clinic, is a lot higher. Also the amount of areas you will need to research will increase. As standards and medical qualifications differ from country to country, you will need to make yourself familiar with those of the country you wish to travel to, in order to secure a good surgeon.


You can not receive buccal fat removal surgery on the NHS; it must be done through a private clinic. The reason for this is that buccal fat removal does not have any known medical benefits and certainly doesn’t alleviate any serious physical medical problems. Buccal fat removal is conducted purely for aesthetic reason.

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