What to expect after Buttock Lift Surgery

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Buttock lift surgery is a fairly extensive surgical procedure, and quite invasive. As a result it can dramatically improve your appearance and it lasts permanently. However this also means that recovery can be a little painful.

Immediately after surgery

You will likely be left with some bruising and pain after the surgery as well as open incisions which have been stitched up. The stitches are necessary to ensure the final positive effect, but they must also be removed after the healing process is drawing to a close. You will find sitting or the application of pressure on the area uncomfortable for several weeks after surgery, as well as vigorous physical activity. You can also expect swelling and redness around the operated area, and a feeling of grogginess after the general anaesthetic. You ought to plan in advance to make this part of the recovery period as easy as possible, and reduce the need for climbing stairs, reaching objects from a height and so on. You will also have to reapply dressings. You will have to return to your cosmetic surgeon to have your stitches removed, and this is a good opportunity for them to check that the results of your procedure are satisfactory and that you are healing well.

A few months after buttock lift surgery

A full and complete recovery can be expected after three to six months but you ought to be able resume your everyday routine after about one month. After three to six months you ought to have fully recovered, with a possibility of very minimal scarring between buttocks, although these should fade. You ought to be able to fully enjoy your new look, with firmer and more toned skin which you can feel more confident about whether wearing more constricting clothes or exposing the skin on holiday or at the swimming pool.

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