How Long Neck Lift Results Last

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Maintaining the Effects of Neck Lift Surgery

Everyone wishes they could stop ageing. A neck lift, unfortunately, does not do this: it is not permanent. It does, however, hinder the effects of ageing for a period of time, or tidies up what rapid weight loss created. Neck lifts can last many years, though longer for some, it all depends on your age and lifestyle after the operation. If you are healthier, younger, or with good genes, the effects can last for up to a decade. For others it can last for five years. When the effects have reversed, more surgery may appeal to you. There are other treatments though which could slow the process of the loss of skin elasticity down and therefore prolong the effects of a neck lift. Neck firming treatments can do this.

Smoking, Sun, Weight Gain & Neck Lift Results

The healthier your lifestyle, the longer the effects of neck lift surgery will last. This is because smoking, alcohol binges and UV rays can all contribute to ageing skin. Weight gain can also create fatty deposits in the jowls and even if you did have liposuction, which does permanently get rid of fat, more fat can grow. Therefore, for those people prone to weight gain, it is really important for keeping jowls and double chins at bay, to watch your weight by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising. To really maintain the effects of the surgery though, it is essential to not smoke and to protect yourself in the sun. Smoking and UV rays are detrimental to skin elasticity and, the suppleness of the skin, or lack of it, is what can cause jowls and sagging skin of the neck. Therefore do remember to use high factor sun lotion on the neck (and the rest of the body) or to stay out of the sun. People often forget about their neck when applying sun creams. Similarly moisturising of the neck is often forgotten. Try to remember to moisture the neck, because regular moisturising can, to some extent, also reduce the rate of skin sagging.

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