Recovery from Rhinoplasty ("Nose Job")

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Healing After Your "Nose Job"

The most important thing you can do after your rhinoplasty procedure is rest, recover and let your new nose heal. You will feel sore at first, but this will gradually start to feel better as the swelling subsides and you begin to heal. For the first day bed rest with your head elevated is the best thing. Rest is very important, avoid any form of strenuous activity for at least two weeks. Do not overstrain yourself physically as this will not lend itself well to the healing process. If you play any kind of sport, particularly a contact sport, then make sure you refrain from playing for at least six weeks or as advised by your surgeon.

Getting Back to Normal

Most people are able to continue even the most active lifestyles after two weeks of recovery. Everybody is different and has different experiences, but normally you can expect to be around and moving again within two days and be able to be back at work within a week.

The surgeon will give you advice on how to conduct everyday activities initially after your surgery and it’s always best to follow this advice. For example try to keep your head elevated when washing your face or showering and apply a cold compress to help ease any swelling which may occur. If you wear glasses be careful when wearing and removing them as this can cause discomfort. You nose will be very sore and placing any kind of pressure on them could be painful. If possible avoid wearing them, or try fixing them to your forehead instead for up to six weeks to help ensure a successful rhinoplasty healing. However contact lens wearers shouldn’t have any problems. If there is swelling around the eyes this can cause discomfort, but if this is the case then the swelling will subside in a few days.

Watching Out for Problems

During the recovery period you will need to keep an eye on your personal healing process and whether or not any complications arise. If you feel something is wrong then contact your surgeon immediately so that you can be treated as soon as possible. Here are some of the following you should look out for:

  • Infection: this might be one of the harder complications to notice, but try to check your nose to see if it’s infected. If it feels very itchy and extremely tender even after a few days then it may be worth investigating.
  • Bleeding: a small amount of bleeding is to be expected, but if this becomes excessive or continuous then this may be a problem.
  • Increase in pain: a sudden increase in pain is never a good sign and is worth notifying your surgeon about. There could be more severe problems underlying the pain so it is important to be cautious.
  • Breathing difficulty: if you experience trouble breathing, a shortness of breath or chest pains then there may be problems with your rhinoplasty or potential infections. Whilst some initial discomfort can be expected and is usually normal, any continuation should be investigated.
  • Irregular heartbeat: be aware if you experience a rapid or irregular heart rate and contact your surgeon as quickly as possible.

Your surgeon is there for you and is expected to be available if anything goes wrong. Don’t hesitate to contact them if you feel it’s necessary or you are experiencing discomfort.

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