Dermal Filler Treatment for Acne Scars - Dangers, Risks & Side Effects

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As dermal fillers can be administered by non-medical professionals there are higher risks of something going wrong. If you are using a practitioner who is not a doctor or dermatologist, make sure you ask about and check their credentials and ascertain how much experience they have. It may also be wise to ask to be put in contact with their previous clients. The risks, which, in a medical environment, are extremely low, are raised when the procedure is performed by someone outside of the medical profession. The risk of infection, mistakes, bad bruising, pain and allergic reactions is much higher in these cases. Irrespective of who treats you, you may experience the following side effects:

Immediate Side Effects of Dermal Fillers

The immediate side effects of dermal fillers can range in severity depending on the kind of filler used and the skill of your practitioner. The initial injection may cause you some discomfort. You can opt to have the area numbed with a local anaesthetic beforehand if you are particularly worried by needles. Immediately after the injection around the acne scars you may experience the following:

  • Bruising
  • Redness
  • Tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Itching

In some rare cases you may suffer an immediate or delayed allergic reaction to your filler. This is extremely unlikely and if you have had the appropriate testing before the procedure you should be entirely safe.

Short Term Side Effects of Dermal Fillers

For a few days after the injection(s) you may experience bruising, tenderness, redness and swelling but this should not be severe and may not even be noticeable. You may, however, notice a change in the pigmentation of your skin at the treated area. This is an unusual side effect but, unfortunately, can happen. In all likelihood this should fade over time but if it does not, treatments are available to normalise your pigmentation. Consult your doctor or dermatologist if you have any concerns or queries.

Another possible risk is that of infection. This is also very rare. As long as you have chosen a safe, clean, experienced practitioner you should be reasonably safe. If you notice any yellowness or crustiness at the site of injection or if you have any concerns about the injected area please contact your medical professional.

Long Term Side Effects of Dermal Fillers

Other than prolonged skin discolouration, the only real long term issue relates to the quality of your filler. Some fillers are of low quality or may not be very well suited to you. This can mean that they form a lump beneath your skin, look unnatural or move to another location under the skin. Before the procedure your practitioner should have advised you of the best filler choices for you so as long as you are in experienced, trusted hands, this should not be a problem. Often, the cheaper a filler is, the worse its quality, so make sure you are aware of exactly what it is you are spending your money on, and the consequences of this.

Are Dermal Fillers Dangerous?

Dermal fillers are a very safe cosmetic treatment. There is an extremely low risk of allergic reaction and infection however, in the hands of an experienced professional these risks are almost non-existent.

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Guide to Dermal Fillers for Acne Scars