Light Therapy for Acne - Preparation & Recovery

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Knowing how to look after your skin before and after therapy can make your treatment even more comfortable and successful. This section aims to make you familiar with the preparations and aftercare for light therapy.

Preparing for Light Therapy for Acne

Whatever type of light therapy you are having, whether it is home treatment, professional light therapy or a variation on light therapy such as photodynamic treatment, the most important thing to do is to use sun cream. If you have any kind of sunburn you should not have light therapy, as it could be painful, scarring and could even put you at risk of developing skin cancer. During the time you are using light therapy your skin will be particularly sensitive to light so make sure you stock up on sun cream before your treatment as it will become very important afterwards.

As light therapy is thought to be a very safe process there is little in the way of preparation to do. Your practitioner should have discussed any personal preparations with you and if you are uncertain make sure to ask. It is however, recommended that you come to your session with clean, product-free skin. Some clinics may require you to bring your own sunglasses.

If you are using a light therapy device at home, before you use it, make sure you read and familiarise yourself with all the information which comes with the product.

Light Therapy Recovery

As with light therapy preparation, using sun cream correctly is key to your recovery from the treatment. While one of the major bonuses of light therapy its tiny recovery time, using sun cream is vital. Without protection from daylight you risk swelling, redness and the possibility of seriously damaging your skin.

Otherwise, with simple, straightforward light therapies, there is nothing else to do after your treatment. You should not experience any side effects and your skin should feel no different.

If you have photodynamic therapy it is even more important to avoid the sun. In fact it is recommended that, as well as regularly, thoroughly applying sun cream, you should stay indoors for at least a day. Some patients have reported that being outside for just a couple of minutes on a cloudy day made their skin sore, red and swollen.

There should be no problem with washing or getting the area wet, using a gentle soap to clean the treated skin should be absolutely fine. Applying make-up however, should be avoided.

You may experience some swelling and reddening of the treated area for the first few days after PDT, which can be quite uncomfortable. If this is the case, it is recommended that you gently apply an ice pack to the area to soothe the skin. If the condition persists or becomes extremely painful you should contact your practitioner.

Your practitioner will advise you more specifically about how to care for your skin after the therapy.

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