Can I get Rid of Thread Veins?

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Thread veins do not typically present any health problems, however there are many reasons why you may want to have them removed. Many people may find the condition unseemly, particularly if spread over a large and/or particularly visible area, like the face for example. If you find yourself less confident or affected in anyway by these veins, then you’re in luck as modern technology boasts a host of different treatment options which we will explore in detail to allow for an informed choice as to which removal technique best suits you.

Other considerations before looking into removal options

Before exploring thread vein removal techniques in depth in the following articles, it’s worth taking a look at some other considerations that should be taken into account. The first is whether your thread veins are a result of another condition, the most common culprit being varicose veins. Varicose veins are larger obstructed vessels that have become knotted, swollen, and enlarged, which naturally disrupts blood flow in the surrounding area. If your thread veins are a result of varicose veins, it may be best to resolve that condition first.  You may find your thread veins clear up naturally as normal circulation is restored.

As the motive behind thread vein removal is often aesthetic, you should consider cost and whether a costly procedure is the best option for you. If the affected area is small, make up might be sufficient to obscure it, although this is perhaps not the best option if you are male. Considering whether treatment is right for you is as important as deciding which treatment is best for you, and merits careful consideration and research before making a decision. One final point before diving into the myriad of removable options available in the next article is deciding who would be best to provide your treatment. Cost, reputation, experience, and qualification are all factors that should be taken on board when deciding who you want to entrust the safety of your skin to.

Thread Vein Removal options in brief:

Thanks to modern technology, a number of different options are available for thread vein treatment.

Sclerotherapy – This is probably the best treatment available for treating thread veins in the legs. This procedure involves injections with a very fine needle directly into the veins. The tip of the needle contains a tiny drop of solution which is introduced into the leg vein, causing the lining of it to swell or collapse so that no blood can flow through it. This means the vein is no longer visible. This treatment takes around 30 minutes per session.

Laser Treatment – Lasers are a very effective and popular treatment of thread veins. The procedure involves delivering focussed high energy light into the veins. The heat that is generated by this heats the vessels and destroys the walls of the vein, thus rendering the vessel useless. The vein eventually breaks down and is absorbed by the body’s self preservation and healing mechanisms. This treatment can last up to half an hour, and several sessions are needed to completely clear an area. Sessions are often kept up to 8 weeks apart to give your skin enough time to heal, at this stage your professional will evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment thus far and carry on.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatment – This is a popular form of treatment and uses short ‘pulses’ of light, which is where it gets its name from. It is very similar to laser therapy in that focussed, high energy light is the means by which healing is achieved. However the key difference is that while laser therapy uses one focussed wavelength of light, IPL uses a range of different wavelength applied in pulses to limit the exposure of healthy cells to potentially harmful light waves. A handheld device emits these pulses of light into the skin with the thread veins, heating the veins and then destroying them. Again, this can take up to 30 minutes and several sessions are often needed at 6-8 week intervals to completely clear an area.

Electrolysis – Also known as Diathermy Electrolysis, it involves a small electric current being passed through the skin and into the thread veins. The current is applied just under the surface of the skin by tapping a needle along the affected area. The heat then destroys the blood vessel, cauterising it and triggering its re-absorption by the body. A facial treatment in this manner lasts about 15-20 minutes, with leg treatments taking slightly longer. Several sessions may be required.

Veinwave Treatment – This is a fairly new technique used to eliminate thread veins and involves an extremely thin needle being applied below the skin along the target veins. Unlike laser and IPL treatments, Veinwave actually uses microwaves to damage and hence remove thread veins. This technique has the advantage of removing the risk of external irritation and scaring posed by techniques involving focussed light applied to your skin.

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