What are the causes of Vasectomy failure?

There are two types of vasectomy failure. They are short-term failure and long-term failure.

It is natural for our body to try and heal itself and short-term failure with regards to a vasectomy is exactly what your body has done. This is easy to detect as it starts to happen immediately following the procedure and in this instance, a further repeat procedure can correct the failure. This is also usually offered free of charge. Sperm tests are the only way to confirm whether the vasectomy has been a success so it is important to remember that immediately following a vasectomy, you will not be instantly sterile!

Long-term failure with a vasectomy is extremely rare, estimated to be as low as 0.03%. However, it can happen. Long-term failure is when the vas deferens after a number of years, simply rejoin and heal. This can happen at any time after a vasectomy, even ten years down the line. This is why for peace of mind you may consider having a yearly, (or as often as you like), sperm test. There is usually a small charge for having a sperm test but it is well worth knowing whether the vasectomy is still working. Unfortunately for most people who have experienced long-term failure, the first time they will become aware of it is when their partner becomes pregnant. The rejoining of the tubes is natural and spontaneous. It is medically known as recanalization.