Single Tooth Dental Implants

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Single tooth dental implants are amongst the most common dental implants. These implants can replace both a front or back tooth alike and success rates for this procedures are the highest of all dental implants. It is, as a matter of fact, a straightforward procedure which creates a very natural look and smile. The reason for this is that by placing the implant between your other teeth, the artificial tooth will look strikingly natural. In addition, it requires no special care nor cleaning as they are simply treated like your natural teeth


The procedure used in order to perform a single tooth dental implant follows the standard measures undertaken in any other kind of dental implant. It starts with a small incision on your gum in order to reach your jawbone. This incision is then used to drill a tiny whole in the bone where the implant will be placed. Usually, the implant will resemble either a screw or a cylinder. After inserting the implant, the jaw is given a certain time to heal (ranging from 3 to 6 months depending on the resilience of your jawbone) in a process known as ossointegration. Once the bone has fused with the implant, your dentist will then fix a small attachment to the implant through the original incision. This abutment will then allow the restoration or artificial tooth to be fixed permanently.

Nevertheless, if for a reason or another, these two stages cannot allow for the healing time, then your dentist can fit the implant and the attachment in the same procedure, thus performing ‘immediate loading’ by bypassing the time required for ossointegration to occur

Types of single tooth dental implants

Before consenting to a dental procedure, you might want to agree with your dentist on which type of implant best fits your necessities and budget.  The main difference between the types of  single tooth dental implants is effectively based on which tooth needs replacing. For instance, the replacement of missing or loose teeth at the front of the mouth requires an ‘anterior implant crown’, whereas a missing lateral incisor will require a ‘maxillary lateral incisor’ replacement implant or if it is a central incisor then it will require instead a ‘maxillary central incisor’ implant.

The procedure for fitting these implants all follow the stages outlined above with the addition that X-rays and CT scans might be performed in order to show the exact location where an implant is needed and whether there are signs of bone loss or resorption. If so, your dentist might suggest a potential bone grafting. ‘Immediate loading’ is also available for these implants given that the jaw is deep and strong enough. Nevertheless, this procedure has higher failure rates as the implant and bone might not fuse well

Are single tooth dental implants expensive?

The costs of dental implants over the years has caused a wave of ‘dental tourism’ where patients go abroad in search of lower dental surgery prices. Although it might seem as an inviting opportunity, it is advisable to be research abroad practices thoroughly before agreeing to fraudulent or dangerous procedures.

Nevertheless, in the UK, the rough cost breakdown includes an initial check-up and consultation with x-rays of around £50, a root form implant of around £1,500 and a bone graft (if necessary) between £500 - £2,500. Prices vary from dental practice to dental practice, and some include side procedures too such as taking a jaw impression. The ‘two stage’ process is usually cheaper than the ‘immediate loading’, and replacing a single tooth is generally more expensive than replacing several.

Therefore, if you have other teeth which also need replacing, you might consider getting an implant which replaces multiple teeth in order to reduce costs and time. 

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