Colgate Time Control

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Colgate has designed a toothpaste for those who live in the UK, that claims to fight the visible signs of ageing. The appearance of teeth and gums can be a significant indicator of the age of someone, much like wrinkles, and therefore, many people seek to improve the aesthetics of their smile for a more youthful appearance.

Over time, the consumption or food and drink as well as just general age-associated wear and tear can make teeth appear darker in colour and the gum line may recede. This is often noticeable when smiling so Colgate’s Time Control toothpaste aims to restore the youthful appearance of the mouth whilst providing good health maintenance and protection for more long-term results.

How does it fight signs of ageing?

One of the more common signs of ageing, present in the mouth is the receding and inflammation of gums, which can start as young as 35-40 years old. Colgate Time Control toothpaste aims tot resolve this issue with a specially formulated gum protection system that is unique to Colgate’s toothpastes. This system is further aided by vitamin E, which strengthens the gums to make them more unlikely to recede.

Who is this toothpaste suitable for?

As the oral signs of ageing seem to start appearing at the age of 35, Colgate Time Control toothpaste is primarily aimed at those over 40 years old who are more vulnerable to gum recession. It is not, however, restricted to this age group.

Recommended Usage

To achieve the results promoted by Colgate Time Control, the toothpaste should be used each day, every morning and night.

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Guide to Colgate Toothpastes