Norethisterone & Alcohol

Alcohol is a drug which many people use regularly. Although alcohol is not dangerous when used in moderation, it can lead to dangerous situations. In relation to Norethisterone, there is no definitive link arguing against the use of two substances at the same time, however there must be precautions concerning their relationship.

All about alcohol

Alcohol is a depressant, and too much drinking can result in uncontrollable speech and actions, violent behaviour, dehydration, sickness, temporary erectile dysfunction, mood swings and short term memory loss. Because of the potential damage that alcohol can do, men and women are advised to limit their drinking to weekly limits, which are 21 units for men and 14 units for women per week.

Alcohol: the facts

Alcohol is such a common substance, and can become addictive. The addictive and potentially harming nature of alcohol is responsible for the below statistics:

  • Approximately, alcohol is responsible for wholly or partially 33000 deaths in the United Kingdom per year
  • In the United Kingdom, one in twenty five adults are addicted to alcohol
  • Approximately, 17 million working days are missed because of the effects of alcohol
  • 17% of roadside deaths are because of drunk driving
  • Since the 1950s, the amount of alcohol consumption has almost doubled
  • Between 25 and 33% of domestic violence cases against children, alcohol is a factor in their sufferings

Norethisterone is not an antibiotic; therefore there is no known risk of consuming alcohol when taking Norethisterone. Also, there has been no negative relationship established between the two drugs so there is little suspected risk.

On the other hand, certain side effects of using Norethisterone, such as dizziness or confusion, means that you should not drink alcohol. Taking alcohol while experiencing these symptoms could put you at risk. It is advisable not to drink alcohol when under the effects of taking Norethisterone in order to not put yourself in a vulnerable position.

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