Why do Women Have Periods?

Every woman on this planet has to experience a period, and it should not be looked at as something embarrassing or abnormal as every girl goes through it. Although it can be uncomfortable, it is a necessary process of life which can be easily understood.  

What are periods?

Menstrual periods are part of a woman’s reproductive cycle which consists of bleeding from the uterus for three to seven days. This happens once an egg that has just left the female uterus (caused by the hormone oestrogen) does not meet any sperm. Therefore, the egg is absorbed by your body and blood is released through your vagina. 

Periods are not usually painful; however PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) can be painful. PMS can consist of symptoms such as cramps and exhaustion, but these symptoms generally disappear once you begin your period.

How often do periods happen?

Periods usually occur every twenty eight days; however this is not true for everyone. Sometimes women can have their periods longer or shorter than twenty eight days, from 24 days to 35 days. This depends on the person as every cycle is different.  

When do girls start their period?

A period begins because of changes to a girl’s body during puberty. The age of when this will start varies from person to person, but usually girls will start their periods between the ages of eleven to fourteen. Of course, this is not true for everyone.

Why are they so important?

Periods are an extremely important part of being a woman. A period happens after an egg has been released from the ovaries in the hope of being fertilised. If it is not fertilised, it turns into blood and bleeds away, making it your period. If this process did not occur, then it would be impossible for women to have babies as the egg must be released from the ovaries to have the possibility of being fertilised. 

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