Pharmacist Consultation for Alli

If taking Alli for the first time then you will have to undergo a brief consultation with your pharmacist.  This should last around 10 to 15 minutes in a private area, and during this time they will:

  • Check your BMI.  You should not be taking Alli if your BMI is below 28, your pharmacist will check this to ensure you are not taking Alli for the wrong reasons or putting yourself in any form of risk, be that medical or an increase in likelihood of unwanted side effects.
  • Check that you are serious about using Alli properly and that you will make the necessary changes to your life in order to enhance the drug.
  • Question you on previous weight loss attempts.  If you haven’t tried other methods then it might be a better idea to do so before using Alli.
  • Ask you how long you have been overweight.
  • Determine the medications that you are on currently so as to ensure that if you lose weight it will not affect you adversely.    
  • Give you advice on diet and exercise in order to further enhance Alli’s effectiveness.
  • Inform you of the side effects and how to prevent them.
  • Ensure that the drug is definitely for your own use rather than for anyone else.

It is important that you are honest during your consultation so that you are given the right advice about how to lose weight.  It might be that taking weight loss pills is not the right way for you to go at this time and that you ought to try other methods of weight loss first.  It might also be that Alli would be very helpful to aid your weight loss if you follow the advice given to you. 

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