How Effective is Dermabrasion for Acne Scarring?

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There is no single answer to this question. The results of dermabrasion very widely for a huge variety of reasons. The three most important factors are:

  • How appropriate dermabrasion is for the type of scarring you have.
  • The skill and experience of your practitioner.
  • Your overall health and ability to heal effectively in conjunction with good aftercare.

It is vitally important, therefore, that you choose the best and most experienced practitioner possible in order to get the best advice about your scarring and the best treatment along with the best instruction for your aftercare. It is also very helpful to live a healthy lifestyle. In this best-case scenario you can expect to see significant improvement in the appearance of your scars. They may be almost invisible but will at least be much shallower and less pronounced.

If your surgery and healing are not ideal it is possible that you will be disappointed by the results. There may appear to be limited improvement. In some cases complications can occur and leave you with raised scars, hyper or hypopigmentation (discolouration of the skin), raised white lumps (known as milia), cold sores, a re-emergence of acne and even new scars from the actual process. This kind of catastrophe is not at all common. As long as you are sensible about choosing a practitioner, ensure you are well informed throughout the process and look after your skin well during recovery, you will in all likelihood see a positive result.

Alternatives to Dermabrasion

If you are concerned about the possible risks of dermabrasion, or want to opt for a less invasive process, there are alternatives. If your scarring is mild-to-moderate, you may wish to try a less ‘heavy-duty’ treatment such as chemical peels or steroid injections. If you need this level of procedure but don’t want to try dermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing has very similar applications and results.

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Guide to Dermabrasion for Acne Scars