Do Children Outgrow Allergies?

Playing football, rugby or any outdoor sports has an important role to play in both the health and development of social skills for a growing child, it is clear to see then the impact an allergy can have on the life of your son or daughter.  It is no surprise then that many parents as the question ‘do children outgrow allergies.’

The chances of a child outgrowing an allergy tend to depend on the type of allergy suffered.  Certain allergic reactions, such as a skin rash, tend to lessen once the child has reached the age of four.  There have however been cases or relapse or of a child developing a different allergy.  One sign to look for is the child’s sensitivity to an allergen, as those highly sensitive have proven to be less likely to outgrow their ailment.  Furthermore those who have previously been victims are more susceptible to the emergence of a new allergy.  It is for this reason a doctor will advise continual avoidance and awareness of any potential irritant.

Allergies caused by inhalants such as pollen or dust mites are treatable but rarely outgrown, food allergies however show a higher chance of diminishing and possibly even ceasing over time.  Most food allergies are covered by the food types below:

  • Milk
  • Sea food
  • Peanuts (or tree nuts)
  • Eggs
  • Soy
  • Wheat

Food allergies present a range of different reactions to airborne allergies.  These symptoms can include vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and even shock.  Although more people suffer from a milk allergy than any other food-based allergy, amongst children the most common allergy is to eggs.  Children tend to outgrow an egg allergy by the age of four or five, this is less likely however if the child sufferers from allergic rhinitis or other food allergies.

Any child exhibiting signs of a food allergy should be given a skin prick or RAST (radioallergosorbent) test.  In doing so the parent can establish if the reactions are due to an allergy or food intolerance and can then act accordingly.  With an allergy it is advised to cut the food type completely out of a child’s diet; however with an a food intolerance it is still accept to eat what causes the adverse effects as long as the portions are small.