What to Expect during Light Therapy for Acne

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If you are using a home treatment you will have been instructed by the information which came with your specific product. Generally, if you have a tabletop device, you should put on protection for your eyes and sit the required distance from the light. If you have a handheld device you should, if necessary, wear eye protection and hold the device in the specified way at the correct distance from your skin. You should not experience any unpleasant sensation during this time. Different devices operate differently, so be certain to read any instructions fully.

If you have professional light therapy you can expect a similar experience, albeit in rather more professional settings. Your practitioner should either pass a handheld device over the required area of your skin, or leave you under a lamp for the correct length of time.

If you are undergoing photodynamic treatment, the process is slightly more complicated. Upon arrival your practitioner will again explain the process and its side effects to you. If you have any questions or concerns about the procedure you should ask now. Your skin will then be thoroughly cleansed of all surface oil or beauty products to allow the photosensitising cream to be fully absorbed. The cream or liquid will then be applied to the required area and left to ‘soak in’ for around an hour. This may take longer for some patients and depends entirely on your skin.

Once the photosensitising cream has been left for the sufficient length of time you will then be placed in front of a light source that will be turned on and left for the required time period, decided upon previously by your practitioner. While under the light your skin may feel tingly, hot, stinging or even painful. Some patients find the discomfort more severe than others, but the majority report that it is bearable.

Once your time is up the light will be turned off and you will have the cream washed from your face. Once a high-factor sun cream has been applied to the area, you are free to leave.

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