Laser Therapy for Acne - Appointments & Consultations

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In order to get the most out of your laser treatment, it is a really good idea to be thoroughly clued up about the process. This section will prepare you for laser therapy appointments and consultations.

How do I make an Appointment for Laser Therapy?

Laser therapy can be performed by doctors and dermatologists. Look for someone with a lot of experience in using laser therapy to combat active acne and ensure that you look at several options before committing to one practitioner. Your doctor may be able to advise you and help you find the best practitioner for you. Most clinics and individual practitioners operate their own websites from which you can find email addresses and phone numbers you can call in order to enquire or to make your appointment. Some clinics offer a free first appointment. This can be great and can even save you money but make sure the offer has no strings attached; you do not want to get stuck with a practitioner that you don’t trust.

What to expect at a Consultation for Laser Therapy?

Not every consultation will be the same. How your appointment goes will depend very much upon your consultant but you should expect to go through the procedures described below. If you feel anything has been missed during your consultation you should make sure that you ask your consultant about it and, if you are still unsure and not comfortable you should perhaps look for another, better practitioner.

Your consultant should make you feel comfortable and talk about the practitioner’s skills and experience. You may be shown before and after pictures of previous patient who have undergone the same treatment In fact, it is often a good idea to ask to look at these anyway. Once you are satisfied with the credentials of your practitioner you will be closely questioned about your hopes and expectations of your laser therapy. This is done to ensure that your goals are achievable and realistic. If your consultant feels that what you want cannot be done you may not be offered the procedure or may have another procedure suggested to you instead.

Next, you will be taken through the procedure. Be sure to pay attention and ever to ask questions at this point in order to make sure you understand exactly what will be done to your skin. You should also be quizzed thoroughly about your medical history and lifestyle. This is done to ensure you are suitable for the treatment. Your consultant will want to check that you are not currently taking any medication with a photosensitising effect and that you are not epileptic, diabetic or pregnant.

To conclude the appointment your consultant will talk money with you. You will agree upon a cost and on how you will be paying for the treatment. If necessary you may at this point make another appointment or you may go right ahead and book the procedure.

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Guide to Laser Therapy for Acne