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Demand for Slimming Pills Soars
Sunday 18th September 2010
Demand for slimming pills has soared, according to newly disclosed figures which show that the NHS now spends £50 million per year on anti-obesity drugs.
The unprecedented demand for slimming aids has seen the prescriptions for Orlistat, popularly known as Alli break the million prescription mark for the first time. And data shows that £35.7 million was spent on prescribing the pill which promotes weight loss by stopping the body from absorbing fat.
Pregnancy Problems for Women With Diabetes
Friday 17th September 2010
Pregnant women with diabetes could be up to twice as likely to have to undergo cesarean sections in older to safely deliver their babies and babies born to women with diabetes could be more likely to suffer from life threatening health complications, Canadian scientists claim.
Diet, Not Exercise, Key to Weight-loss
Saturday 18th September 2010
New research shows that diet, and not exercise, may be the key to weight loss following reports that Brits are not less active than they were 20 years ago. Instead, scientists at the University of Aberdeen claim that people are eating more without increasing activity levels to level their heightened calorie intake.
Aerobic Exercise Eases Insomnia
Thursday 16th September 2010
Regular aerobic exercise could help to ease insomnia in middle aged and older patients who have difficulty sleeping, according to new research from the Sleep Disorders Centre at Northwestern Medicine. Sleep experts explain the the discovery is particularly significant as middle aged and older people are at increased risk of developing the sleeping problem – and exercise therapy could be used to improve sleep patterns without altering or affecting medications that patients in this age group may be taking to relive the symptoms of other medical complaints.
Wednesday 15th September 2010
Researchers at Washington State University have found the mechanism that switches the brain from sleeping to waking in a landmark discovery that could enable scientists to develop treatments for a range of sleeping problems. The new research, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology decisively links sleep and brain activity, in a scientific first, by explaining how a rush of the energy chemical, adenosine triphosphate, is released by active brain cells and binds to protein molecules to promote sleep.
Young Athletes Face Increased Concussion Risk
Tuesday 14th September 2010
An increasing number of children and young athletes have suffered a concussion due to playing organised team sports including football and hockey, according to new research published in the journal Paediatrics.
Olympic Injury Statistics Unveiled
Wednesday 8th September 2010
One in every 10 athletes sustained an injury during the Winter Olympics 2010, according to a new report published today in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The report pinpoints bobsleigh, ice hockey and alpine freestyle as being the sports that were most likely to induce injury amongst professional athletes competing in this year's games, held in Canada. Experts studying the research findings claim that, in light of this worrying trend, more should be done to create safer sporting arenas and to improve training.
Sleep Linked to Childhood Obesity
Tuesday 7th September 2010
Regularly getting a good night's sleep could prevent children from becoming obese, according to a new study published in the journal Archives of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. Researchers found that children, babies and toddlers who slept under 10 hours per night were more likely to feel hungry and crave calorie rich foods – and were more than twice as likely to become overweight or clinically obese than their soundly sleeping counterparts.
Oral Hygiene Could Prevent Deadly Clots
Monday 6th September 2010
Regularly brushing and flossing your teeth could prevent against gum disease, heart attacks and potentially deadly blot clots caused by mouth bacteria, according to new research from the University of Bristol. Researchers warn that neglecting to take good care of your oral hygiene could promote the growth of bacterial microbe cultures that can enter the bloodstream through bleeding gums and cause blood platelets to group together and form clots.
New Research Explains Sporting Differences
Sunday 5th September 2010
A new study published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery shows that women and men align their knees and use their muscles differently when kicking a ball. The research data, collected by scientists at the Washington University Medical School in St. Louis, reveals that women are more likely to kick differently during instep and side foot kicks – the most common soccer and football maneuvers.
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