Concussion - Sports Injury

A concussion occurs as a result of the brain being ‘shaken’ inside the skull. Since there is a small amount of room inside the skull for movement of the brain, if the head suffers from a shock impact or sharp blow then the brain can be ‘shaken’ and a concussion could be the result.

A concussion is fairly harmless. There is a short period of unconsciousness, usually only a few minutes, but afterwards there should be a complete recovery. A concussion is defined by the full recovery after the moments of unconsciousness, otherwise it needs to be diagnosed as a more serious head injury. There are other symptoms which can follow immediately after a concussion, such as nausea and dizziness once consciousness is regained, a mild headache, or memory loss of events directly following or preceding the concussion.

What to do if you suspect concussion

If you suspect you are concussed you need to seek help immediately from anyone nearby in case there are worse effects after the head injury. It is likely that your accident will attract attention from someone else and they should offer help. They will be able to monitor and take care of you whilst waiting for professional help or an ambulance to arrive. It is very important that you do not continue to participate in the sport activity until you have received medical advice allowing you to do so. If you feel sick, confused, or drowsy, or are suffering from double or blurred vision, vomiting or a severe headache then you should seek help and get someone to call an ambulance and go to hospital as they will be able to assess the precise extent of your injury. Similarly, if you suspect someone else might be suffering from concussion then apply these symptoms and advice to them, and make sure to check their reactions to measure the degree of damage. Keep an eye on their vital signs: their pulse, levels of response and breathing, even after they appear to have fully recovered in case there is any relapse or deterioration and further degrees of help are required.