Can chemicals cause hair loss?

Chemically dying, perming, or permanently straightening your hair will leave it dry, brittle, and, if you do it often, very damaged. Chemical dying penetrates the cuticle, or outside layer, of the hair so that the dye can be absorbed by the hair. To prevent damage, try wetting the ends of your hair so the thin, more brittle part of your hair doesn’t absorb as much of the colour. Also make sure you use shampoos and conditioners which are intended to protect coloured or permed hair. Most importantly, wait at least 2-4 weeks in between chemical styling your hair so that it isn’t constantly stripped of moisture and nutrients. If you dye or perm your hair often, it is advisable to do a deep conditioning in between sessions.

Chemicals do not exactly cause hair loss but to avoid harsh chemical damage, you can also use natural dyes like henna, vegetable colours, or even semi-permanent colouring to help protect your fragile hair.