Micrografting for Hair Loss

Micrografting is a modern twist on previous surgical techniques which involved taking large grafts of hair, often called ‘plugs’, and then transplanting them into similar sized holes that were punched into the scalp. This type of grafting was developed in the 1950s and made popular in the 1970s. Unfortunately, using such large grafts often left very noticeable scars and the hair grew in awkward bunches or rows which resembled a doll’s head. Over the last few decades, this surgical technique has been vastly improved first with the minigraft and now with the revolutionary follicular unit micro-grafting method. Instead of taking big chunks of hair and placing them in straight rows across the scalp, micrografting takes a small section of scalp from the back of the head and then the surgeon and his/her assistants remove individual follicular units, which are then inserted into pinpoint incisions on the scalp. While the minigraft used to take 5-10 hairs at a time (about 1-2.5 mm in diameter), a follicular unit is composed of 1-4 hairs which comprise each micrograft. By keeping the follicle together as a unit, the surgeon is able to take less donor hair and create a fuller looking hairline by using the follicles’ own natural growing processes once transplanted.

« Hair Grafts for Eyebrows & Eyelashes Micrografting Hair Transplant Procedure »

Guide to Micrografting for Hair Loss