Hair Grafts in Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair grafts are taken from the back and sides of the scalp. In male pattern baldness, the follicles in front and crown of the head are affected by the hormone DHT and begin to shrink.  The follicles in the horseshoe around the head are DHT-immune and in many cases never recede.  In micrografting, a strip of scalp and hair follicles from the back or side of the head is removed in a process called ‘slivering’ with a single or multi-bladed scalpel. The flexible scalp tissue is then sutured together where the strip was removed and the individual follicle groups are separated under a microscope in follicle groupings. In FUE, these follicular units are taken right from the scalp without the need for slivering. After the follicles are organised, they are inserted into incisions on other parts of the scalp. Taking hair from other people, except in the case of identical twins, will result in the body rejecting the graft. Artificial hair has been tested, but it has been shown to cause infection, scarring, and a very unnatural looking hairline.

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