Is Waxing Painful?

The waxing process can be painful, however there are ways to minimise the discomfort. The first of these is to take an anti-inflammatory prior to waxing, usually around 30-60 minutes beforehand, which can reduce the pain. There is also some evidence that caffeine can have a similar effect if you wish to use a non-medicinal approach. Applying a numbing spray or gel to the area beforehand can also lessen the pain; however applying ice is not a good idea as the cold tightens the pores making the hairs harder to remove.

Seeking out a reputable therapist may be the best approach, especially if you have not waxed before as often the greatest pain is caused by poor technique. To go through the pain and then also to have inferior results will only make the pain worse!

Deep breathing techniques may help with pain control, as may distraction techniques such as keeping conversation with someone in the room or concentrating hard on a magazine or other object of interest. This will be easiest if having somebody else perform the waxing for you.

Pressing on the area immediately after removing the wax may help to reduce the soreness, and ice can be applied but only after the waxing in complete for the reason mentioned above.

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