UK Health Centre News - 2015
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Could Dieting Help You Sleep Better?
A new study has suggested that people who lose weight through dieting have better quality sleep.
Pregnancy is Not a Time to Eat for Two
In a report aiming to put the ‘eating for two’ myth to rest, the chief medical officer has warned that obesity is dangerous to both women’s health and their babies’ health.
Have Researchers Found ‘The Band-Aid of the Future’?
MIT researchers have designed what they like to call ‘the Band-Aid of the future” in the form of a stretchy hydrogel dressing that includes drug delivery channels, temperature sensors and LED lights.
Rows Erupt Over Increased Risk of Heart Attacks and Statins Coverage in the Media
Conflict of interest claims have caused a major argument over a study that links negative news reports regarding statins with a heightened risk of cardiac arrests and heart disease-related deaths.
Angelina Jolie Inspires Rise in Preventative Double Mastectomies
An NHS clinic has said that Hollywood superstar Angelina Jolie’s decision to have a double mastectomy has inspired more women to undergo the procedure.
1 in 5 British Citizens with HIV Don’t Know They Have It
Public Health England has warned that in the UK, almost one in five people with HIV are unaware they have the virus, which is why PHE has launched home test kits in a bid to tackle the problem.
Leading Health Experts Call for Change in Approach to Childhood Obesity
Schoolchildren in England are weight at the start and finish of their time at primary school and more than one million children were measured between 2013 and 2014. It was found that just under a quarter of children aged four and five were classed as obese or overweight.
Unusual Ways To Keep Your Hearing Healthy
Over the average day our hearing is exposed to many factors that have the very real potential to cause damage. These include listening to music too loudly while driving, being exposed to constant noise above 85 decibels at work and turning up the volume too much on our iPod.
The ever-increasing role the UAE is taking to become a Global hub of healthcare excellence
Since 2004 when the World Health Organisation Director-General LEE Jong-wook pronounced that "Improved health care is perhaps humanity's greatest achievement of the last 100 years", healthcare has advanced in many ways and many major breakthroughs have been made.
High Profile Backing for Mental Health Equality Call
A campaign has been launched to appeal for a rise in mental health services and funding in England.
Processed Meat is a Major Cause of Cancer, Says WHO
According to a report by the World Health Organisation, sausages, bacon and ham are ranked as a major cause of cancer alongside cigarettes.
Aspirin Could Boost Fertility, Scientists Say
Scientists believe that aspirin, a drug thought to decrease the risk of stroke and prevent heart disease cancer, could also aid fertility.
Study Reveals that Over 60s Have Unhealthiest Diet
A study has found that people aged over 60 have the unhealthiest diet, apparently as a consequence of their children leaving home.
Not a Drop of Alcohol for Pregnant Women, Experts Warn
Doctors have said there is no evidence of a ‘safe’ threshold for drinking alcohol during pregnancy, so are advising women not to touch even a drop when they are expecting.
10 UK Women to Have Womb Transplants
10 infertile women the UK will have the opportunity to carry their own babies now that doctors have been granted approval for Britain’s first womb transplants.
Can Processed Foods Protect Against Coronary Deaths?
Research has shown that a processed food product previously alleged to have toxic effects could be harmless in small quantities. It has also been suggested that one version may even protect against heart disease deaths.
Research Suggests a Trans Fats Ban Would Save Lives
According to research, a UK ban on trans fats would save 7,200 lives over the next five years.
Biological Age and Alzheimer’s Disease Predicted in a Drop of Blood
Researchers believe that a blood test that shows how well people are aging is able to predict the onset of Alzheimer’s and other diseases.
Cancer Medication Could Be Axed in NHS Cost-Cutting Movement
Within a few days, a new round of cuts to NHS cancer treatments is expected to be announced.
Heart Disease Death Rate Drops by 45% in 10 Years
According to scientists, deaths caused by heart disease in the UK have dropped by more than 40% in 10 years.
Criticism Over Calls to Discipline GPs for Over-Prescribing Antibiotics
Doctors’ leaders have criticised calls for GPs to face penalising action for the over-prescription of antibiotics as unhelpful and counter-productive.
The Changing Face of Cosmetology in the UK
Rhinoplasty, liposuction, abdominoplasty and otoplasty – these are just some of the 50,122 cosmetic surgery procedures performed in the UK last year, prompting the Department of Health to predict the value of the industry would rise to £3.6bn in 2015
Saturated Fats in Dairy and Meat Products Aren’t As Unhealthy As Previously Believed
A study has found that saturated fats found in dairy and meat products aren’t as detrimental for our health as formerly thought.
Spicy Food Could Decrease Early Death Risk
Researchers in China have reported findings from a broad study that suggest people who regularly eat spicy food are at a slightly lower mortality risk than those who consume it less than once a week.
Benefits for Alcohol and Drug Addicts Being Reviewed
People addicted to alcohol and drugs could lose their sickness benefits if they refuse treatment under a review currently being processed.
Over-Emphasising Obesity Risks In Schools Could Encourage Eating Disorders
Leading child psychiatrist Dr Janet Walsh has warned that placing too much emphasis on obesity risks could unintentionally be encouraging eating disorders in school children.
Poor Sleep Linked To Bad Heart Health
According to research, poor sleep can increase a person’s chances of suffering a stroke or heart attack.
Study Shows “Clear Link” Between Smoking and Prostate Cancer
A new study has warned of a ‘clear link’ between smoking and the risk of death from prostate cancer.
Eating Chocolate Linked To Lower Stroke Risk And Heart Disease
Consuming a moderate amount of chocolate every day has been linked to a lower risk of stroke and heart disease.
A Single Dose of HPV Vaccine Could Be Enough to Prevent Cervical Cancer
Researchers have called into question the need for numerous doses of the HPV vaccine after claiming a one-dose might be sufficient and ought to be investigated to protect most women against cervical cancer.
Office Workers ‘Should Stand Up for 2 Hours a Day’ to Avoid Health Risks
According to the first official UK guidance, office workers should be standing up for at least two hours of the day during their working hours.
Lack of Sleep Affects Work Productivity More Than Hangovers, Study Suggests
Recent research has placed lack of sleep above drinking and obesity in terms of productivity in the workplace.
Report Shows a Growing Number of People are Dying without Dignity
In light of a disturbing report that reveals the damage caused by poor end of life care, a former health minister and leading charities have said that dying patients should be given the right to spend their final days at home.
Calories Don’t Count - Bacteria Causes Fat
Evidence now suggests that calorie-controlled diets do not help people to lose weight.
First Patient Receives Treatment for New Skin Cancer Drug Trial
The first patient to take part in a phase 1 clinical trial has received a new experimental ‘resistance-busting’ skin cancer drug. This patient started treatment at the Royal Marsden, and patients are also due to be treated at the Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester.
Bullied Children at a Greater Risk of Mental Health Issues
A recent study has argued that bullying from other children at school is five times more likely to cause issues with anxiety than abuse or neglect in the home.
Meditation is as Effective as Anti-Depressants in Treating Depression
A major study has revealed that meditation is as good as anti-depressants when it comes to tackling depression.
Back Pain Increasing in Young People, According to Experts
Health experts have claimed that our deskbound lifestyles are pointing to a growing number of younger people suffering from back pain.
Increasing Number of NHS Staff Take Time off Due to Psychiatric Illnesses
It has been revealed that a “worrying” number of hospital staff are taking time off work due to psychiatric illness such as stress, anxiety and depression.
A Healthy Diet Could Lessen the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
An online report suggests that a new diet may decrease a person’s possibility of developing Alzheimer’s disease by more than half.
MPs Disapprove of NHS Approach to Obesity
MPs have said the fact that England’s NHS spends more money on bariatric surgery than measures to prevent obesity is inexplicable.
Doctor Says Discussing ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Notice Would Cause Upset
A doctor who placed a “do not resuscitate” notice on one of her patients without speaking to him or his family about it has told and inquest that she didn’t want to cause avoidable distress.
Eating Three Meals a Day Isn't As Healthy As We Think
Most people eat breakfast, lunch and dinner as part of a rigid routine. However, experts have expressed a warning that eating three meals a day like this could be causing damage to our health.
Why 68% of UK Residents Believe Smoking Should Be Banned in the Home
Smokers across the UK will be neglecting their daily nicotine intake on Wednesday, 11th March 2015 as part of National No Smoking Day.
A healthcare expert and dietician working with 121doc has spoken out against ‘fad and crash diets’, claiming that they often do ‘more harm than good’
‘Cleaner’ Arteries for Regular Coffee Drinkers
Researchers in Korea believe that consuming a moderate amount of coffee on a daily basis might be the key to avoiding clogged arteries.
Three-Person-Babies Approved in the UK
Britain has become the world’s first country to approve laws that allow three people to create a baby.
The Babies of Teenage Boys are More Likely to Develop Autism, Spina Bifida and Schizophrenia
Scientists suggest that teenage fathers are more likely to have children with birth defects due to issues with their sperm.
Warnings Over So-Called “Fatty Foods” Should Never Have Been Issueds
Researchers now say that global guidelines urging people to cut down on fatty foods should never have been introduced
1 in 2 People ‘Will Get Cancer’ at Some Point in Their Lives
According to Cancer Research UK, this estimate uses a new method of calculation and has replaced a forecast of over one in three people being diagnosed with the disease.
NICE Warns That Asthma Sufferers are Being Wrongly Diagnosed
The NHS watchdog has warned that over 1 million asthma suffers may not actually have the chronic lung condition, and therefore might be taking unnecessary medication.
Health Groups Say a Tax on Sugary Drinks Would Help Stem Obesity in Australian Children
Leading health groups have suggested that taxing sugary drinks would assist in stemming the increase in childhood obesity as well as saving Australia billions of dollars in medical expenses.
'Public Health Crisis' Caused by Air Pollution in Scotland
According to environmental campaigners, air pollution in the cities and towns of Scotland is creating a public health crisis.
Parents Worry over Children's Mental Health
Research shows that parents are more likely to worry about the mental wellbeing of their child over any other health issue.
The Benefits of Yoga on Your Heart Health
Studies have discovered some good news for those of us not keen on the idea of facing the winter elements in order to keep fit. A recent study has found that the gentle, peaceful practice of yoga is just as good for the heart as cycling is.
Study Shows Need for Better Care for Pregnant Women with Mental Health Issues
Experts have said that imperative action is necessary for expecting mothers who have pre-existing mental and medical health problems.
Young British woman dies during cosmetic surgery abroad
Joy Williams was a popular, beautiful 23 year old woman, who went to Thailand in search of self-improvement.
A new study has suggested that following a Mediterranean diet could help to keep you "genetically" younger, as well as reducing the risk of life-threatening illnesses including cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Is Milk Really That Good For Us?
A recent study has found that milk might not be that good for our bodies after all.
Read the latest news on various health and medical topics.
Fad Diets Don’t Help with Weight Loss or Improve Heart Health
A recent study has shown that popular diets like Weight Watchers are not more effective than adopting a healthy lifestyle and it’s not likely that they will provide health benefits in the long term.
Drinking During Pregnancy Could Be Made Illegal
Women’s charities have claimed that drinking during pregnancy could become a criminal activity following a court hearing on Wednesday, 5th November.
Early NHS Discharges Considered ‘Unsafe’
The parliamentary and health service ombudsman has stated that patients are being discharged from NHS hospitals too early, in some cases when it is unsafe for them to do so.
Red No More – Innovations in Skin Health
Rosacea is a very common medical condition; in fact recent studies reveal that the condition manifests itself in as much as 6-14% of the population. People suffering from this illness suffer from unsightly red skin and they tend to flush easily in response to stress, sunlight and after consuming substances such as alcohol.
Tooth Brushing Lessons’ for Nursery Aged Children
In a bid to counter the worsening dental health crisis in socially underprivileged portions of the UK..
Officials Call to Ban Smoking in London’s Parks and Squares
During a major health review in London, Mayor Boris Johnson has suggested that smoking be banned in the local parks and squares.
Link Between Diabetes and Long Working Hours Among the Poor
A new analysis of past research suggests that people who have low-paying jobs could be more likely to develop diabetes.
Former Consultant Taken Off Dental Register
An ex-consultant of the Royal Victoria Hospital’s School of Dentistry in Belfast has been removed from the dental register following immediate suspension. Philip Lamey has been found guilty of over 100 cases of malpractice. His removal from the register means that he will be unable to practice dentistry for at least five years.
Dry Roasted Peanuts are ‘Worst for Allergies’
According to an Oxford study that was carried out on mice, dry roasted peanuts are thought to be more likely to trigger allergies than raw peanuts. Researchers claim that the dry roasting process creates chemical changes that can spark allergic reactions in the future by priming the immune system.
UK Ranks Top for Health Care above US
The level of care one can expect to receive in the UK is high, whether you decide to take out private insurance or get treatment on the NHS. In terms of health outcomes, efficiency and quality of care, the UK is producing far better results than the US. Improvements have been enforced that have changed the face of UK health care and the US hopes with the introduction of Obamacare, they can also make the necessary upgrades.
Physical injuries can result in not only a lot of pain, but also psychological strain and mental stress. Physical rehab is one of the most common agents to help someone recover from an injury, however including a sports psychology technique may also help the sufferer to recover mentally from an injury and has proven to be extremely beneficial in the recovery...
Cosmetic Surgery; How the Market has Changed
In the cosmetic surgery community, the focus is on how the industry as a whole has changed over recent years. To help put this into perspective, it is two years since Sir Bruce Keogh did an investigation into PIP breast implants, and a year since he published a report on how to improve the cosmetic surgery industry.
Spinal Injury of Baby Leads to Debate about Merits of Paediatric Chiropractic
Chriopractic has become an increasingly popular alternative therapy for many suffering from long term back pain and other such related issue
Cosmetic Surgical Trends of 2014
Cosmetic surgery has been an established practice for many years now, with popular treatments regularly performed for people looking to alter anything from minor flaws and blemishes to whole facial features and body parts.
Popular Cosmetic Treatments of 2014
Non-surgical cosmetic treatments have become increasingly popular as these particular aesthetic techniques have become more effective and affordable
Growing Popularity of Tattoo removal in the UK
Tattooing has a long and decorated history, not only within the UK but in the world at large.
New Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes is a condition that has become relatively commonplace in the UK, with many lasting consequences when mismanaged or left untrea
Allergy UK reports Increasing Incidences of 'Home Fever'
While many of us are all too familiar with the effects of hay fever, Allergy UK has recently reported that a new type of allergic reaction has reached epidemic proportions here in the UK. 'Home fever', as it is now known, refers to a range of allergic reactions and symptoms to common household triggers and dust mites.
Anxiety is a subtle condition with many sufferers both within the UK and across the wider world. With a variety of symptoms and effects on general health, the condition can remain unrecognised and untreated for years.
Managing the Psychological Effects of Spinal Injury
The psychological effects of spinal injury can be very difficult for individuals to deal with as they....
The Road to Recovery - Osteopathic Rehabilitation after a Road Traffic Accident
As the weather gets worse, the days get shorter, and road conditions deteriorate, it is likely that there are going to be more road traffic accidents. Sometimes it’s not your fault and you may suffer an injury, such as whiplash, as a result of this.
Nowadays it’s not uncommon to know someone who’s undergone plastic surgery. With the advancement of technology and the changes in people’s attitudes, procedures are...
A top plastic surgeon has warned that spending your day in front of a computer could cause drooping jowls and deep set wrinkles that age the face. According to the Daily Mail, Harley Street consultant Dr Michael Prager has warned that a growing number of working professionals seemed to be developing signs of premature following long days spent frowning or squinting at their computer screens.
The diabetes drug Avanida has been banned by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), having been found to raise the risk of heart disease. With clinical research studies having shown that using the drug could increase heart attack risk in patients by 20 – 40 per cent. Experts have also suggested that the drug could have caused 1,000 extra heart attacks per year in Britain.
Eating Meals Instead of Grazing is Key to Weight Loss
Eating three meals a day, instead of grazing, could be the best way to lose weight according to scientists in Indiana. Whilst many experts claim that eating little meals often raises the body's metabolism, new research published in the journal Obesity shows that dieter's could feel fuller and may be less likely to over-eat when they sit down to three high-protein meals a day.
Teen Abortion not Linked to Depression
A new study, conducted by researchers in California and Oregon, has shown that teenagers who choose to terminate an unwanted pregnancy are not more likely to develop depression or to suffer from low self-esteem than their teenage counterparts who opt to continue with pregnancy.
New Diabetes Research Unveiled
Health care experts may be able to earlier identify people who are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes as new research into insulin shows how the chemical interacts with fat in the body. New research published in the journal Cell Metabolism documents how scientists at America's National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases studied the way insulin interacted with fat cells in lab mice in the hope of being able to detect insulin sensitive cells from insulin resistant cells.
The Independent Healthcare Advisory Service has warned that people with less than half a day’s training could be administering the facial filler botox to unwitting patients. The regulator claims that lack of stringent regulation is allowing beauty therapists and hairdressers to carry out the wrinkle filling procedure without proper training. Health experts are concerned that lack of surgical training could jeopardize patients’ health and may..
New Potential Weight Loss Tool Identified
Monitoring the levels of appetite hormones in the blood before dieting could help health care experts to identify people who are more likely to regain weight after successfully dieting. A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism shows that people with high plasma leptin levels were more likely to regain weight. Researchers believe that the finding could be used as a weight loss tool that by helping physicians to better lower obesity through personalizing weight loss plans for at-risk patients.
Scientists at the University of Kansas have developed a new drug, named KU-32, that can halt the progression of diabetic peripheral neuropathy – a condition that can severely damage nerves in the hands and feet of people with diabetes causing loss of feeling or excessively painful sensitivity to the lightest touch.
Gene Test Could Aid Weight Loss
A new test that claims to analyse your genes in order to determine the best diet and exercise programme to achieve weight loss, has now been made available to slimmers in the US by Inherent Health
Sleep and Rest Key to Better Health
A leading sleep expert has suggested that people with sleep problems could achieve the health benefits associated with a good night's sleep by engaging in meaningful rest activities including meditation.
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(Sexually Transmitted Diseases) Guide - Tattoo Removal Guide
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