Eating Meals Instead of Grazing is Key to Weight Loss

Thursday 23rd September 2010

Eating three meals a day, instead of grazing, could be the best way to lose weight according to scientists in Indiana. Whilst many experts claim that eating little meals often raises the body's metabolism, new research published in the journal Obesity shows that dieter's could feel fuller and may be less likely to over-eat when they sit down to three high-protein meals a day.

Researchers at Indiana's Purdue University studied the weight loss and eating habits of 27 men during a seven week study and found that men who ate high-protein diets felt fuller and were less likely to think about or obsess over food.

Lead researcher, Dr Leidy, explains that high-protein diets have been long linked to improved appetite control. However, the new research shows that the effectiveness of a high-protein diet on weight loss can be further boosted by eating three daily meals rather than six mini meals.

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