Reasons for having Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is something most people don’t rush into.  Each patient has very valid reasons for wanting weight loss surgery.  In most cases diet and exercise have failed and there are serious health risks for the patient if they continue at their current excessive weight. 

Morbidly Obese

Weight loss surgery is the only proven method of achieving long-term weight control for morbidly obese patients.  Individuals with a weight of over 100 pounds over their ideal weight are considered morbidly obese.  Your GP will use your BMI (Body Mass Index) to find out if you are in the morbidly obese category.  Morbidly obese individuals are usually good candidates for weight loss surgery because of the health risks they face, which are normally life-threatening.  Those who have a lower weight but may have other health conditions related to obesity often also consider weight loss surgery. 

Emotional & Psychological Issues

Many people are misinformed about obesity and weight loss surgery.  Struggling with obesity can be a distressing experience – all the physical problems affecting daily life as well as being treated differently because of weight and size.  Many obese people suffer from low self-esteem, which affect all aspects of their life.  For many overcoming obesity becomes a frustrating focus of life.  For many diets and exercise have given mixed results but sadly have given no long-term results.  Many patients who have weight loss surgery have experienced in addition to the physical problems of excessive weight, emotional and psychological issues.

Many obese people suffer from many psychological factors, which interfere with their everyday lives such as:

  • Not being able to shop in ‘regular’ shops for clothes
  • Feeling singled out/different
  • Low self-esteem
  • Not having relationships/social life due to poor self image

Many patients report that they have felt weight loss surgery is not only a tool for weight loss but also a motivating gift that can lead to huge advances in quality of life. The choice to go ahead with surgery will be as a result of careful consideration and research.  You will have to weigh-up the potential risks with the potential benefits to you personally. 

Health Issues

Living with some of the health conditions associated with obesity is usually the deciding factor for most patients.  For many the physical and psychological factors of obesity are robbing them of basic quality of life, many morbidly obese patients suffer from many of these conditions below:

  • Poor mobility
  • Lower back pain
  • Low energy
  • Diabetic
  • Hiatus hernia
  • Gastric reflux
  • Heartburn
  • Sweating excessively
  • Sleep apnoea
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Cancer

Our modern western society promotes the ‘perfect’ body and sadly we are often judged by our outward appearance when it comes to seeking jobs and relationships.  Society often presumes that obese people have not lost weight because they have not tried enough.  This false idea that all obese people have not tried dieting and exercise adds to the frustration for many of all the struggles with weight loss.

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