Obesity Risks Outweigh Bariatric Surgery Risks

Sunday 31st January 2010

Following the news of bariatric surgery carrying many risks and with numerous patients requiring compensation following badly performed surgeries; this week sees a change in the tide with a statement by a leading nutritionist. Geisinger Center for Nutrition and Weight Management’s leading director, Dr. Christopher Still, warns that the health risks associated with obesity could far outweigh the ones recently associated with bariatric surgery.  

Dr. Still does not wholly dismiss the recent claims of the complications that can arise through bariatric surgery, rather he emphasizes that whilst there are risks, all patients are well informed of these and they are very slight in comparison to obesity. Dr. Still enforces the message that obesity is a far worse thing if left untreated as it can lead to major health complications including diabetes, sleep apnoea, heart and liver disease. He also adds that many of the patients who are considered for the bariatric surgery are already suffering from one of these complications which will only worsen if left untreated. Many of these complications that arise from obesity can be fatal for the obese and one of the only quick and efficient treatments of it is through bariatric surgery which can restore the patient’s life to a healthy one proficiently. Without this type of treatment patients will often struggle to reduce their weight as the complications arise faster than their weight loss.

With regards to the complications that arise from the surgery Dr. Still and his team have an efficient way of reassuring their patients and making sure they are fully aware of the surgery, its procedure and possible complications. The patients will also have nutritional, psychological and medical examinations before attending several classes including support groups to ensure they are fully prepared for the surgery ahead. With this in place and Dr. Still’s dire warning of the severe health complications that come alongside obesity, perhaps their careful planning with patients is what needs putting in place to reassure all those considering the surgery.

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