Cost of Botulinum Toxin

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The cost of Botulinum Toxin can vary from clinic to clinic and so to really gather a good selection of treatment prices it is best to shop around. The average cost ranges from £175-£350 per area treated, with the exception of underarm Hyperhidrosis treatment which can cost around £400. Facial disorders such as strabismus (squint) and blepharospasm (spasm of the eyelids) can cost from around £195 The down side is that this treatment can be expensive (if you are repeating treatment) and every time you return for a top up you will be charged again as a new customer, so it is vital to be aware of the financial side of Botulinum Toxin before you decide that you want to go ahead with the treatment. Most doctors accept cash and card payments for the treatment; however it is increasingly popular to sign up for a Botulinum Toxin finance plan to help you manage the costs. Although the treatment itself can be costly, a lot of clinics offer free consultations with a professional in order to discuss your treatment options and your goals.

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