Dental Implants in Cyprus

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In Cyprus it is entirely feasible to have top-notch dental implants fitted for prices that rank amongst the lowest in Europe. Flights can be very reasonably priced, especially considering its location as a Mediterranean island, and as long as you do sufficient research you will be getting excellent quality. A dental implant is an anchor, or root, for a denture or crown, which is screwed into the jawbone as a substitute for any existing tooth roots. It is a popular treatment for damaged tooth roots or teeth, as the implant serves as a strong base for a false tooth that will appear genuine. Dental implants are made of titanium, a metal chosen for its unique properties as it is capable of interacting and fusing with the jawbone in a process known as osseointegration. Dental implants can be used to replace any damaged teeth or tooth roots and do not interfere with the surrounding teeth. Furthermore, one of the intentions of the dental implant treatment is to give you a functioning new tooth, with which you can chew and eat normally. If you think you could benefit from dental implant treatment, you should first contact your UK dentist – it is important that you are eligible for the treatment. This is not always the case, and you may then be advised to seek a different solution. Nonetheless, if you are suitable to undergo the dental implant treatment, you may then wish to seek treatment abroad, and Cyprus may take your fancy.

Procedure of Dental Implants in Cyprus

Dental implant treatment in Cyprus usually takes around 7 days for the initial implantation process, though of course this can change based on the number of teeth you want to have done and any additional work you will need to have done. First your Cyprus dentist will evaluate your overall health, specifically your dental condition, and of course will also make sure that you are a candidate by the clinic’s standards – it is however unlikely in the extreme that, if a UK dentist has given you the go-ahead, a Cyprus dentist will then deem you unfit for the treatment. This stage will also determine whether you will need any complementary treatment. The overall price will depend on how much work needs to be done.

These additional procedures are bone and gum (gingival) grafting, which are both designed to ensure the treatment is as successful as possible by augmenting the area surrounding where the implant is to be placed. The dentist will perform gum grafting in the scenario that you have insufficient gum tissue surrounding the root, as this can result in the failure of the osseointegration process – the gum is useful in maintaining the position of the implant and preventing infection. There are a number of different methods of gum grafting, but the overall idea is the same; tissue is taken from different, non-essential areas of the mouth and then grafted on to the area around the implant, leaving you with a sturdier foundation and a higher chance of the treatment being a success.

Likewise, in the case that you do not have enough bone to properly integrate with and support the implant, you will need to undergo bone grafting before the treatment proper can begin. As Cyprus clinics use only the latest techniques, the dentist will graft on synthetic materials onto the bone, as recent advances in technology have been able to produce such as are capable of osseointegrating and are therefore a safe and reliable way to augment the existing bone and bolster the dental implant procedure. In the not-too-distant past bone would be taken from non-essential areas, such as the pelvis or chin, and then grafted on – this new procedure is just as effective and far less time consuming, however. Once any necessary complementary treatments have been carried out, you will be ready to have your dental implants.

In Cyprus, like most other countries under EU dental regulation (and many more offering quality treatment worldwide), the process is carried out while you are under local anaesthetic; this means that whilst you will be awake, the area being worked on will be numb. This is the optimum solution, as you will not feel pain and it is easier for a dentist to implant on a conscious patient. First the dentist drills a ‘pilot hole’ into your jawbone, which is then steadily widened by a series of drill bits increasing in size, until it has been widened sufficiently to fit the implant. Then the implant is simply screwed in, and the osseointegration process can begin. Bone can be liable to overheating when being worked on in this way, so a saline spray is used to maintain a steady temperature.

Completing your dental implant treatment in Cyprus

There is currently no agreed length of time for how long the osseointegration process should take, as it varies for each individual, and generally speaking the process takes longer in the upper jaw than in the lower; however, one thing that is agreed on by dentists is that a safe period of time should elapse before the treatment can be completed and denture fitted. Six months is often taken as a good amount of time for osseointegration to finish, so be ready to accept any clinic which offers such an amount of time. However, this is not to say that any dentist willing to complete the treatment after a shorter time window is in the wrong, but you should be careful to check their success rates and qualifications before committing.

Once you have been given a time period – and it does not matter if you cannot return straight after, as once the integration is complete it will not reverse – you will be asked to return to Cyprus to have the treatment completed. The dentist will first remove any gum tissue that has grown over the implant and then attach supports for the denture. To finish off the treatment your Cyprus dentist will then attach the denture and you will be done.

The popularity of dental implant treatment has led to further advances in the procedure, and in Cyprus it is possible to experience one of these and undergo a process known as immediate loading or immediate function. The aim of this variant treatment is to cut out the lengthy wait before a return, which can be very desirable for some people who are less willing to fork out for additional flights, accommodation and take that extra time out of their lives, as well as those who simply want the whole thing over and done with. Essentially this process does what it says on the tin – the denture is fitted almost immediately after the implant has been screwed in (often within a couple of days). The osseointegration process still has to continue, but this treatment is designed so as not to interfere, and you can then return with a full smile, minus the wait. However until the osseointegration is complete you will not have full mouth function, in that you will not be able to eat or chew with the denture until its foundations are secure. Of course, as it is a newer procedure you may well want to take extra care in finding a dentist who is properly qualified to perform it, and who has a good success rate for immediate loading.

As the mouth may take a while to initially heal, you will probably want to remain in Cyprus for a few weeks after treatment, but you should discuss this with your Cyprus dentist.

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