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Allergies aren’t hibernating this winter
8 hours sleep may not be for all of us
Eye health professionals urged to take action against diabetic eye disease in Fiji
European CE Mark given to Type 2 Diabetes treatment
Diabetics are less protected by good cholesterol
Rhinoplasty is given a 3-D edge
Chronic Sinus Disease triggered by Allergies
Tuesday 22nd December 2009
December has seen the release of the latest issue of Archives of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck surgery and with it comes confirmation of the close proximity within the relationship between allergens and sinus problems. Perhaps more significantly is the overwhelmingly rapid response the sinus has to such nasal allergens. Experts believe that this could help encourage the identification of sinusitis or an allergy as these two frequently become confused.
Sit down and have a brew, it could save you from diabetes
Monday 21st December 2009
When it comes to drinking tea and coffee, both caffeinated and decaffeinated, there are always mixed messages when it comes to how much we should or shouldn’t drink. However, researchers may have found that drinking three or four cups a day could dramatically reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Additionally, they mark the same effect within people who drink decaffeinated tea or coffee.
A simple urine test in children could detect sleep apnoea
Sunday 20th December 2009
Sleep apnoea is a sleep disorder that can go unnoticed for a considerable amount of time, as the sufferer is unaware of their behavioural patterns during the night. The disorder has also been linked to an increased chance of obesity and other health problems. However, researchers in Chicago think they could have found the answer to an early diagnosis of this condition.
Britain’s largest cosmetic surgery chain in ethics dispute over Christmas discounts
Wednesday 16th December 2009
The Transform Cosmetic Surgery Group is the leading cosmetic surgery practitioners in the UK with over 60 clinics in total. However, their website recently offered the headline “Prepare to Dazzle” followed by an inviting promotion “For a limited time only, save on cosmetic surgery with £750 off any two surgical procedures” all before the end of this month. The surgery was promoted in order to “transform you in time for the party season” gimmicked the Let the Wow Start Now campaign. However, this campaign has received numerous backlashes and has been branded “unethical”.
Childhood diabetes and obesity could be encouraged by food sweetener
Tuesday 15th December 2009
A recent study conducted at the University of California has discovered that the cheap sugar substitute, fructose, could only be adding to diabetes and obesity. The sugar substitute which is found in corn and is synthesized to create a sweeter form of sugar bypasses the part of digestion that would normally break down all other varieties of sugar. This in turn could be damaging not only children’s but every human metabolism.
People need to broaden their vision when it comes to laser eye surgery
Saturday 12th December 2009
Everyday people are turned away from Lasik eye surgery; be it they have too thinner corneas, cataracts, large pupils…the list is endless. This means every day people give up hope that they can receive the vision that they want without the aid of glasses. However, Dr Gulani, as defined by Goldline Research as one of the United States leading laser eye surgeons, offers the possibility that all is not lost.
Medicines could kill people with allergies
Friday 11th December 2009
People have allergies; people tragically die from reactions to drugs; but did you know that there are over 50,000 cases a year of people reacting badly to drugs? On top of that, since 2007 there are has been a quarter of an increase in the number of people dying from such reactions – 1,300. As medicine and science progress, why are these numbers increasing?
Ecstasy could be fatal to your sleep
Thursday 10th December 2009
In a report published this week by Neurology it shows recent tests that have been carried out on people who have recreationally taken the drug ecstasy and its affects on the users sleep. The sleep disorder it seems to enhance is sleep apnoea which is a potentially life-threatening disorder if left untreated.
Death of beauty queen casts shadow over cosmetic surgery industry
Wednesday 9th December 2009
Former Miss Argentina, Solange Magnano has died following a routine cosmetic surgery to firm her buttocks; Gluetoplasty. Following complications in the operation, Solange was rushed to hospital with breathing problems where she remained in intensive care until Sunday when she died of a pulmonary embolism (a blocked artery in her lung).
Mums who breastfeed could reduce the risks of developing diabetes
Tuesday 8th December 2009
By just breastfeeding their child for a month, mothers could reduce the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, a condition that can develop into diabetes or heart disease. Whilst it has always been thought that women who breastfeed have better levels of glucose and fat in their blood due to the lactation this new discovery offers even more incentive for women to breastfeed.
Laser Eye Surgery enters its 21st year
Sunday 6th December 2009
Twenty-one years ago a new surgery was underway; one that left people without their sight, blurred vision and unable to look at bright lights. However, nowadays, this surgery is one of the most popular surgeries performed each year and leaves people free to see things clearly again.
Being dirty could be the answer to rising allergies in the UK
Friday 4th December 2009
With one in three people in the UK having some form of allergy, scientists are now suggesting that our obsession with cleanliness is in fact more damaging to our health than a little dirt. “Good” bugs on our skin actually help stop our body from over-reacting to things and developing reactions such as rashes.
Finally the news spreads of a pain-free Vasectomy
Thursday 3rd December 2009
The news of a vasectomy that can be conducted without a scalpel or needle will be new to the majority of people, but according to top experts this type of vasectomy has been kept in China for over thirty years. However, Dr Pugash of southern California is now offering the surgery to his patients. With vasectomies amongst men encouraged in many parts of the world, due to its simplicity compared to female sterilization, this could spell an even higher rise in vasectomies as a birth control.
New research gives Dad’s the perfect excuse for a baby’s cry
Wednesday 2nd December 2009
Many new mother’s will often moan that their partner seems able to sleep too well through the sound of their newborn crying; but studies have proved that it really isn’t just an excuse for men. The news offers no new hope to women but a relief of the nagging for every new father.
Tuesday 1st December 2009
A recent study has shown that going green with your mattress could actually give you a much better night’s sleep. With an increasing number of people suffering from sleep disorders, stressful lifestyles leading to insomnia and less time to sleep perhaps the answer lies in this green solution.
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