Dental Implants in Hungary

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Hungary does not offer the cheapest dental implants in Europe, and certainly not in the world. Nonetheless prices are still significantly cheaper than in the UK, and costs of flights can be extremely low if you find the right deal with the right company, a fact which may make up the difference regardless. Furthermore Hungarian clinics are often of excellent quality so you can be well-assured of successful treatment. Dental implants are, essentially, artificial tooth roots. They are screwed directly into the jawbone to replace any damaged existent roots, and then serve as anchors for dentures or crowns, which will then resemble real, healthy teeth. Typically dental implants are metal bolts made of a varying grade of titanium, which, when screwed into the bone, begins a process known as osseointegration (put simply, the bone and the bolt fuse together, greatly enhancing the strength and reliability of the implant). You can have dental implants for any number of teeth, and they do not affect the surrounding teeth, meaning that once you have had the denture fitted, you will have the appearance of a normal, complete set of teeth. Furthermore, a denture fitted onto a dental implant will function just as a normal tooth, so basic processes such as eating will remain unaffected, and may well improve if you suffered due to damaged teeth before. Patients usually seek dental implants as a solution to missing teeth or even damaged tooth roots. If you think you are a candidate, arrange a consultation with your UK dentist; you may then wish to consider having the treatment performed in Hungary. Do bear in mind that Hungarian dentists tend to require a specific standard of oral hygiene and overall patient health, which may differ from, but will probably not exceed, that of a practising UK dentist. Nonetheless you will want to bring up the question with the Hungarian dentist before travelling for treatment, as it is crucial that you are deemed legitimate for the treatment.

Procedure of Dental Implants in Hungary

As with treatment in other countries, a Hungarian dental implant procedure begins with an initial diagnosis, where your dental and medical health is assessed, and your mouth is mapped out by computer systems. This is an important step as it allows the dentist to decide whether or not you are eligible for the procedure, note if there are any irregularities which require additional complementary treatment, and also plan out the best course of action for the treatment. Prices will vary with the amount of extra work that needs to be done.

There are two important procedures that you may have to undergo before you can have dental implant treatment. These are gum (gingival) and bone grafting. The object of each is ultimately to strengthen the area surrounding where the implant will be placed. You will need gum grafting if there is insufficient gum tissue in the immediate area. Gum tissue is taken from other areas of the mouth and then grafted on to increase the amount of tissue. There are several methods that can be used to achieve this purpose, but the ultimate objective is the same; the increased amount of tissue means that the implant has a stronger foundation and the osseointegration process is augmented.

Similarly bone grafting will be employed if you have insufficient bone, or if your jawbone is simply not strong enough for the implant. Formerly (though in some clinics this is still the case) bone would be taken from a non-essential area of the body, such as the pelvis or chin, and then grafted onto the jawbone. However there have been recent advances in synthetics, which mean that you can now have synthetic materials grafted on, which perform the same function as bone and osseointegrate in exactly the same way. After you have had the necessary complementary treatments, the treatment proper can begin.

The procedure will be carried out while you are under local anaesthetic – the area of the mouth being worked on will be numb, but you will still be awake. This makes it easier for the dentist to work. As your bone will be continually worked on throughout the procedure, a saline spray is used to keep it cool and prevent overheating, which can have adverse effects on the bone and the treatment. To make room for the implant, a pilot hole is first drilled into the jawbone. This is then widened steadily, by a progressively larger series of drill bits, until it is large enough for the implant. The implant is then screwed into the hole and secured, and you will be released until the osseointegration has completed.

Completing your dental implant treatment in Hungary

Although there is no consensus among dentists as to just how long the osseointegration process actually takes, generally speaking six months is a safe bet. It is usually agreed that osseointegration takes longer in the upper jaw than in the lower, but you must still be careful if a dentist quotes any significantly shorter time period than six months nonetheless.

Normally you will return to Hungary after the agreed time period, when osseointegration is complete and the implant fused to your jawbone. The dentist will then be able to complete the procedure. First any gum tissue that has grown over the implant will be parted or removed as appropriate so the dentist can then attach supports to the implant. Finally he or she will be able to fit a denture on top, leaving you will a full set of healthy looking teeth.

Some clinics in Hungary offer a process known as immediate loading or immediate function. This simply means that the denture will be fitted straight after the implant has been screwed in, or at the latest within a couple of days of this. This method can have its advantages: you should not have to return to Hungary and can have the entire procedure done in a single process, as the osseointegration will continue after you leave, and regardless of the denture in this case. As long as you can confirm the accreditation of the clinic and the qualifications of the dentist performing the procedure, then this is often a preferable method, if not because you do not have to fork out for additional travel and accommodation.

Regardless of how you choose, and are advised, to complete your dental implant treatment, you will be asked to remain in Hungary for possibly a couple of weeks, to make sure there are no directly post-operative problems. Once you have done this however you will be free to return home, with a new and full set of healthy-looking teeth.

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