Dentist Specialisation in Hungary

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The Hungarian dental education system is rigorous and effective. No student may enter dental school without first attaining a general certificate of education and passing an entrance exam. The primary dental qualification required of any practising dentist in Hungary is the Fogorvos Dentist (DMD), which goes on the government certificate. Although Hungarian dentists are extensively trained across the board in all kinds of dental treatment, you will nonetheless likely be seeking a specialist. Specialist dentists in Hungary are trained at university, and all courses take three years. It may be wise to ask your UK dentist which specialist you should be looking for. If you find a dentist claiming to hold a specialist degree, you can likely verify this with the HMC (presuming he or she is a member), or even with the university itself.  Since 1999, continuing education has been necessary in order to keep all dentists up-to-date with the latest knowledge and techniques. This means that specialists as well as regular dentists in Hungary are very competent with the treatment and if all their qualifications check out, you should get quality treatment at a cheaper price than in the UK.

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