Dentistry in Malaysia

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Malaysia is a South-East Asian country split across two landmasses, and is comprised of a relatively small population spread across a phenomenally large mass of forestation and other flora. It is an extremely popular destination for medical tourism from the UK.

There is little question that the popularity of treatment abroad in Malaysia derives solely from the extraordinarily low prices at which a patient can expect to receive treatment. In many cases, the costs are lower than those on offer in any other country providing a high level of treatment worldwide. Furthermore the cost of living is in some cases negligible – it is easily possible to live on just a few pounds every day as far as food goes, and accommodation can come at less than £10 a night.

A further advantage of treatment in Malaysia is the prevalence of English as a method of communication; all clinics speak English, and signs and other information throughout the country are written in English.

Dental Specialisation in Malaysia

The facilities provided by Malaysian higher education for specialisation in particular fields of dentistry are recognised worldwide as being of an excellent standard, particularly in implantology; some of the top dentists throughout the world have received certificates in specialist dental fields from these institutions. These specialisations are regulated by the Malaysian Dental Council (MDC) in their annual evaluation of a dentist’s ability to practise, and you can typically find out about a dentist’s specialisation if he or she is a member of the Malaysian Dental Association (MDA). Furthermore, in the case of cosmetic dentistry you may also find that your dentist is a member of the Malaysian Association of Aesthetic Dentistry. Always be sure to ratify any and all qualifications with the institution from which the dentist received them if you cannot find out from the MDC or MDA, in order to give you absolute peace of mind.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Malaysia

Cosmetic dentistry is an extremely popular treatment for medical tourists to have done in Malaysia; this is due to the high standards imposed on practices and dentists by the Malaysian Dental Council, as well as the extraordinarily low prices it is possible to receive most treatments for. These costs are among the very lowest in the world and represent excellent savings when compared with the prices for the same treatments in the UK or even most places in Europe.

Tooth whitening in Malaysia

Teeth are very susceptible to becoming discoloured, and there are numerous reasons why this can happen, ranging from smoking to drinking tea or coffee to simply aging. In a world where we are bombarded by pearl-white teeth in advertising and media discoloured teeth can seem out of place and can affect a person’s self-confidence and willingness to smile. However there are now various treatments available to counteract tooth discolouration, which ultimately result in leaving the patient’s teeth whiter and more aesthetically pleasing. Top Malaysian clinics offer some of the best possible treatment worldwide at a fraction of the cost you would otherwise have to pay in most practices across the globe.

By far the most common method of whitening teeth is tooth bleaching, which works by bleaching the teeth with a peroxide-based agent, typically either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. In this treatment your gums are first protected by a rubber shield or gel, and then a bleaching agent is applied to your teeth. This will then spread gradually throughout your teeth to achieve the whitening effect. Normally this treatment requires several appointments with your Malaysian dentist in order to maximise the effect. You may also have to continue the bleaching process back at your accommodation, but this depends on the specifications of the dentist. Although it is extremely cheap to have tooth bleaching done in Malaysia, UK prices do not tend to be expensive so you may find for this particular treatment that the cost of flights and accommodation make up the difference.

If you are willing to spend a little more on your tooth whitening in Malaysia, you may well be interested in laser tooth whitening, a cutting-edge treatment. This is a very popular treatment to have done in Malaysia as it has several advantages over normal tooth bleaching. Initially the process is quite similar; your teeth and gums are protected and then the bleach (or gel) is applied to your teeth. Once this has been done however a laser is used to rapidly speed up the whitening process and this negates the need to continue the treatment at your accommodation. The major benefit of this procedure is that it can be done within an hour and leave you with palpable results straight away.

It is possible after the treatment that you will experience mild irritation around your gums. However, this should only last for a few days and should not persist. There are minor risks associated with the tooth whitening procedure but your dentist will inform you of these and they are rarely an issue. If the irritation continues or you notice any other side effects then you should not hesitate to get in touch with your Malaysian or UK dentist.

Dental veneers in Malaysia

Porcelain veneers are a very popular treatment worldwide. They can be fitted to deal with crooked, stained or otherwise damaged teeth (be sure to consult your dentist if you are not sure about your candidacy) in order to create the appearance of a healthy smile, and the consequent boost in self-confidence means an ever-increasing number of people are seeking this treatment. As porcelain bears a very close resemblance to the texture and shade of teeth, it is an excellent material for veneers, which are essentially wafer-thin shells. These shells are fitted over your existing teeth to achieve the desired aesthetic appearance. Furthermore porcelain is extremely durable and resistant to further staining or discolouration. Consequently a well-maintained set of porcelain veneers will stay in excellent condition for a long while until they eventually wear out. The prices of dental implants in Malaysia are extremely low compared to other prices worldwide, especially those in the UK.

Furthermore the actual treatment process is not dissimilar from that found in quality practices across the globe.

The first stage of having this treatment in Malaysia is a preliminary consultation/diagnosis session. This is partially to ensure that you will be eligible for the treatment, but it also serves to work out whether or not you will require additional treatment before the main procedure; this is typically limited to complementary gum work, as gums must be in a good condition for the success of the treatment. At this stage you will also be able to decide on how you want your smile to appear after the treatment, and your dentist will be able to prepare to achieve your desired aesthetic result by planning the shape and fit of the veneers. After this initial session you will return to your accommodation while the dentist can make further preparations. If you do need gum work then it is likely you will have to return for an additional appointment before the next major stage. In some cases, the appointments may be merged, and this is at the discretion of the particular practice and dentist.

At the next stage the dentist will first remove a thin layer of your teeth in order to create room for the veneers. Generally veneers are about 0.5mm thick, which means a similar amount will be taken off from your teeth, though it may vary depending on the shape and structure of your mouth, and also any damage or crookedness. This is done to ensure that your teeth end up more or less the same size after the treatment as before, as this is aesthetically superior. Once this has been done an impression is taken of your teeth; this is then sent off to the laboratory so your veneers can be created. You will then be free to return to your accommodation. However, because layers have been removed, your teeth will now be extremely sensitive to air and temperature. You may wish to opt for a temporary veneer, which will protect the teeth and reduce sensitivity at a small extra cost, but this is not obligatory as long as you maintain a very high standard of brushing until the next appointment.

You will return for your next appointment when your veneers have been created, so they can be tested on your teeth. At this point the dentist will make any adjustments so the veneers properly fit and produce the aesthetic effect agreed on in the consultation stage. It may happen that you have to return for another preparation appointment after the modifications have been made so the veneers can be tested again and the success of the treatment ensured. This is very necessary because after veneers are fitted they are extremely difficult to change.

Your veneers will be fitted in the final appointment. This is done by slowly cementing them into place and usually takes one or two hours, resulting in a new and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Typically, because teeth take a few weeks to become accustomed to the veneers, you will be asked to remain in Malaysia for this period, mainly because it is not easy to quickly return to the country should anything go wrong in this vulnerable time shortly after treatment. After you and the dentist have agreed that your mouth has become adjusted to the veneers then you can return back to the UK. The main concern here is the long time this treatment can potentially take, so you should ask the dentist for an estimate of the treatment’s duration before booking flights and accommodation. You will still have to visit your UK dentist for fairly regular check-ups once you are back home to make sure the veneers last for as long as possible. Consequently it is useful if you establish contact between the Malaysian and UK dentist so the latter is aware of all the factors surrounding the treatment and can work accordingly.

One potential risk of having porcelain veneer treatment is that the dentist will proceed without proper planning or attention to your own desired aesthetic appearance, but in a quality Malaysia clinic that you have researched this should not be an issue. Unfortunately veneers do deteriorate over time, which is why excellent maintenance and regular check-ups are crucial to increasing their longevity. The treatment itself is irreversible so if any problems do arise you will have to undergo emergency treatment which may not be able to fully rectify the issue. Furthermore veneers can shatter on impact so it is necessary to take extra caution once they have been fitted.

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