Do I Need A Hearing Aid?

According to Action on Hearing Loss (previously known as the Royal National Institute for Deaf People), the UK’s leading charity for people affected by hearing loss and deafness, one in 10 adults living in the UK would benefit from a hearing aid; despite this, only 1 in 30 people use a hearing aid; this means that millions of people are missing out on the numerous benefits of improved hearing.

There are various reasons why you may experience hearing loss and in some cases, it may not be necessary to wear a hearing aid. Hearing loss can be caused an infection, a build-up of ear wax, excess fluid in the ear drum or a perforated ear drum. If you experience difficulties with your hearing, it is advisable to see your GP.

The main aim of an appointment is to ascertain the cause of hearing loss; in some cases, it may be possible to treat the cause and this will improve your hearing. In cases where hearing is impaired as a result of permanent damage to the inside of the ear or the nerves, which transmit information to the inner ear, a cure is usually not possible, but there are treatments, including hearing aids, which can help to make hearing better and improve quality of life. If no underlying cause is determined, it is common to have a hearing test; this test measures how well you can hear and will help to ascertain whether or not you would benefit from a private or NHS hearing aid.

You may wish to consult a doctor if the following circumstances apply to you:

  • you find yourself listening to the television or radio at a higher setting
  • you struggle to make out what people say when you are having a conversation
  • you find it increasingly difficult to hear when there is background noise
  • you ask people to repeat themselves when talking to them
  • you feel like people around you are mumbling or talking quietly
  • you find it hard to communicate on the telephone
  • other people tell you that you listen to the radio or TV at a high volume
  • you struggle to hear when somebody is looking away from you
  • you avoid using the telephone or arranging to meet people because you are embarrassed about not being able to hear properly

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