NHS Treatment for Thread Veins

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Thread veins typically do not present a health risk, and therefore its removal is not a top priority for the NHS. Procedures that remove thread veins are largely cosmetic, and so would not be covered by the National Health Service which only concerns itself with conditions that affect the health or quality of life of patients.

There are many reasons for wanting to remove thread veins. Self confidence is probably the most significant motivation, and is a very real concern for many people, particularly in modern society where a lot of emphasis is placed on physical appearance. Thread veins have an unpleasant habit of appearing in later life as well, at a time when the years are beginning to take the toll and your confidence might not be what it was. Similarly thread veins can typically appear during and after pregnancy, when after dealing with the physiological changes involved, including weight gain, the appearance of unsightly veins are less than welcome.

Removal treatments are available privately like laser, IPL, sclerotherapy, electrolysis, and Veinwave, prices and suitability range according to the location and size of the affected area. Treatments can typically take a number of sessions with about 6-8 weeks between them to give your skin time to heal. As you can imagine, the cost of multiple sessions might mount up, and hence the importance of selecting the best therapy for you. Consulting a variety of different professionals and a GP or dermatologist are wise first steps, particularly when going private as your doctors aren’t concerned about a profit, and only your well being.

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