Thread Veins on Nose

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Thread veins are tiny web like patterns of red or blue blood vessels that appear typically on the face, nose, cheeks, and legs. Many people suffer from this condition on their nose, which can be quite a blow to your confidence as the nose is a very visible part of your face!

Thread veins on the nose can cover a very small area and be barely visible, but unfortunately can also cover most of your nose leaving it in a state some find unseemly. Either way, thread veins are not harmful unless associated with another vascular condition, which is fairly rare.

Why do I have thread veins on my nose?

Many factors contribute to the formation of thread veins, particularly on the nose. Exposure to sunlight is a known trigger for the condition, as is regular exposure to extremes of temperature, and as your nose suffers the brunt of your exposure to the elements, it is a likely site for the formation of thread veins.

There are other contributing factors of course. Women are far more likely to develop the condition than men, and it is estimated that 50% of women will suffer from thread veins at some point in their lives. The likelihood of developing the condition increases with age as the collagen content in your skin decreases as you get older, as does the elasticity of your blood vessels, causing them to expand and become more visible. Rosacea, a condition characterised by facial reddening and common amongst the fair skinned populace, also causes thread veins on the face and nose.

Can I get rid of thread veins on my nose?

Thread veins do not pose a health risk, but to many are a cause for cosmetic concern. You may feel embarrassed by the redness of your nose, and the potential association with alcoholics (and Rudolph the reindeer!). If you find yourself wanting to remove thread veins on your nose, a number of options are available.

The most commonly used treatments use focussed beams of high energy light to heat up and subsequently damage blood vessels in the affected area. While this may not sound like something you’d want, it is in fact the basis for all techniques of thread vein removal. Damaged veins are recognised by the body and absorbed leaving your skin blemish free. The two methods using this technology are laser and Intense Pulsed Light therapy, and the difference between the two is that IPL uses rapid pulses of light rather a focussed single wavelength as in laser therapy. Both of these methods are commonly used and achieve good results, albeit carrying a slight risk of scarring and post-treatment reddening. Several sessions might be needed for this treatment, spaced at 6-8 week intervals to allow your skin to heal.

Other methods include Veinwave, which uses microwaves rather than light to the same end. Veinwave does not carry with it the same risks as IPL and laser, and results are achieved rapidly with minimal side effects. This is a relatively new treatment which might not be as available, but is certainly worth looking into. Sclerotherapy is another option, however it is one that some practitioners do not apply to the face, while others say it is perfectly safe. Sclerotherapy involves the injection of a sclerosant (an irritant drug) directly into the thread veins, and from then on the therapy works like the aforementioned ones, damaging the vessels to trigger its re-absorption.

If these new fangled and high tech approaches don’t suit you, and if you’re fortunate enough to have a reasonably small affected area, make up can be used to conceal your thread veins.

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