Symptoms of Chlamydia

Throat infection

Males and females may also acquire the infection in the throat resulting from oral sexual contact. Again there may be no symptoms and the infection will clear after taking the recommended antibiotic for a Chlamydia infection.

Chlamydia symptoms that are unique to females

If you do experience symptoms these may include;

  • pain when urinating (peeing), this is from a condition called Urethritis. Urethritis is inflammation or swelling of the urethra (the tube carrying urine out of the body).
  • pain in the vagina, vaginal discharge or a change in discharge, that may be grey, white or yellow and may smell unusually. Bleeding between periods, after sexual intercourse and after menopause. These symptoms are due to a condition called Cervicitis. Cervicitis is inflammation or swelling of the cervix that is located high inside the vagina.
  • You may also experience heavier periods than usual and pain in your lower abdomen.

Chlamydia symptoms that are unique to males

If you do experience symptoms these may include;

  • pain when urinating (peeing) from Urethritis. Urethritis is inflammation or swelling of the urethra (the tube carrying urine out of the body).
  • fever, pain and blood during ejaculation, stomach pain, testicle swelling discharge from the tip of the penis (this can be a white, cloudy or watery discharge), irritation at the end of the penis and a swollen groin. Pain may increase when bowel movements occurs. These symptoms result from Epididymitis.  Epididymitis causes pain in the testicles because the tube carrying sperm from the testicles to the penis is inflamed.

Orchitis (swollen testicles)

Males may also experience swelling of the testicles called Orchitis, this may have further complications if left untreated, 19-35 year old males are at the highest risk of developing this symptom. If left untreated the testicular tissue can die, abscesses form in the testicles, fistulas (a split within the tissue) and worsening of the symptoms of the Epidimitis (see above) may also occur. Antibiotics for Chlamydia infection, anti-inflammatory medication, best rest and ice packs on the testicles will help ease these symptoms and cure the infection causing the symptoms. Testiclular function returns to normal with correct, prompt treatment. However the death of the testicular tissue can cause infertility.

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