Laser Surgery

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Cosmetic laser surgery is a procedure designed to improve the surface appearance of the skin by removing imperfections with the application of laser light to specifically targeted areas.

Cosmetic laser surgery can be very efficacious in treating a range of surface skin imperfections.  Due to the extremely precise nature of the procedure, desired improvement can be achieved with pin-point accuracy.  Essentially the laser burns away superficial imperfections at a such a high temperature that it vaporizes them, removing the need for lengthy healing times that can result from surgery.  There is not the same kind of healing process and need for stitches, sutures or staples; therefore there is not the same degree of initial scarring.  Unlike some surgical procedures such as face lifts, Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) or brow lifts, where the nature of the surgical incisions limits the precise areas that can be cut, leading to stitches being located in natural creases in the skin or hidden behind the hairline, laser surgery can treat more visible areas of the face. 

Additionally, as well as being a useful tool in terms of carrying out cosmetic procedures, it is also a recognised and effective treatment for serious medical problems, such as removing precancerous and benign growths. 

However, as it is a medical procedure involving treating the skin at extremely high temperatures, it is essential that it is carried out by a qualified and experienced professional.  You must ensure that your practitioner is competent and qualified.  While it is a comparatively low risk procedure if carried out correctly, there could be complications including burning, swelling and bleeding.  You need to assess your suitability for the procedure by taking informed medical advice.