Are there any chin implant complications?

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All surgery carries some risk of complications, and chin augmentation is no different.  Infection is a serious consideration for any type of surgery, although rare it can have serious outcomes and may need more medical attention.  Sometimes blood clots can form due to excess fluid around the wound under the chin.  These will need to be removed otherwise they might become loose and cause problems in another area of the body.  There is a slight risk of nerve damage and subsequent numbness around the chin after surgery.  Normally this goes in a few months but sometimes the numbness might be life-long due to irreversible nerve damage.  External incisions will leave a scar that you will have forever.  They are normally very discreet and won’t be noticed by others unless you point them out, but this is something to bear in mind.  In the long term the implant could cause a problem with bone erosion and there is a slight risk of damage to the tooth roots within the mouth.  This is very much the worst-case scenario, and although complications can arise from chin lift surgery they are very rare.  Surgeons are generally very confident about chin lift surgery, although you do need to be sure to let them know about any previous health problems so that these risks are reduced as much as possible. 

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