Skin Tag Removal through Surgical Excision

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Surgical excision is another way to have your skin tag removed by a medical practitioner, and is normally used for skin tags that are considered large, although small skin tags can be removed in this way. 

Having a consultation before having your surgical excision is usually mandatory.  During your consultation your practitioner will be able to determine whether surgical excision is the best method to remove your skin tags, and whether there are any risk factors that might make the process more complicated for you than it would be for most people.  During your consultation you are likely to be asked:

  • The nature of your skin tag, when they appeared, whether they are painful or are continuing to grow
  • About you previous medical history, specifically if you have had any skin problems or cancerous growths
  • To talk about your lifestyle, smoking can stunt the healing process and some herbal supplements might need to be ceased before the excision
  • To talk about any concerns that you have about the procedure

Your skin tag will also be examined to ensure that it is a skin tag and not a mole or other growth.  If your doctor or dermatologist is unsure about this then it is possible that they will take a small amount of the growth away and examine or test it to find out exactly what it is.  This procedure is known as a biopsy, but for most skin tag removals having one is not necessary.

The cost of your consultation will depend on who is performing your skin tag removal.  If you are having it performed on the NHS then your GP or dermatologist will perform the initial examination and consultation and there will be no charge for this.  If having one or more skin tags removed privately then it is common for clinics to provide the consultation for free or to take off the charge off your procedure.


Before undergoing your skin tag removal through excision you will have to have a consultation with your practitioner to ensure that the procedure is the right way for you to have your skin tags removed.

During the surgical excision procedure the skin tag is literally cut off using a very sharp knife, scalpel, razor or scissors.  Once the skin tag is removed pressure is placed on its previous site in order to stop any bleeding.  Antiseptic will also be used to prevent the onset of any infection.  Surgical excision produces an instant result and is often used to remove skin tags.

Shave excision for skin tag removal is a similar process to excision, however the skin tags are literally shaved off using a tool called a ‘Dermablade’, leaving a smooth surface beneath.  This is most commonly performed on small skin tags, as larger ones are prone to bleed more. 

During the procedure the area surrounding the skin tag is likely to be numbed through a local anaesthetic or a local anaesthetic cream.  This will ensure that you will experience minimal amounts of pain when the skin tag is being removed.  Some people are also given a sedative, however most stay awake during the procedure and do not find it too daunting.  If you have had a sedative you will be unable to drive yourself home, but after skin tag removal through excision most patients are able to leave after an hour or so. 

Small skin tags removed through excision generally heal very quickly, leaving no scar, or only a very small scar.  Larger skin tags can cause some complications when removed, and some scarring could occur.  Bleeding is also more likely to occur when large skin tags are removed.

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