Ultherapy Side-Effects

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Yes, ultherapy is a safe treatment; it employs ultrasound technology, which has been used in medicine for many years without any risk to human health. In fact, ultherapy is the only procedure of its kind, which is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Ultherapy has already been used to treat more than quarter of a million people worldwide and it s becoming increasingly popular. All practitioners that offer ultherapy treatment should have received the relevant training.


There is a chance of side-effects following ultherapy; however, in most cases side-effects are either non-existent or very mild. Examples may include:

  • redness in the skin and flushing
  • mild swelling
  • tenderness
  • mild bruising (uncommon)
  • numbness (uncommon)

Any side-effects tend to subside very quickly after treatment. Your practitioner will go through all the risks of treatment before you agree to have ultherapy.


Ultherapy may not be recommended for everyone; if you have existing health conditions, you have active skin problems or you are pregnant or breastfeeding, treatment may not be advisable. Your practitioner will review your medical history during your consultation to determine if treatment is suitable for you.

Will I need to take time off work after ultherapy treatment?

Sometimes, with facial treatments, it’s necessary to take time off work after the procedure; with ultherapy, there is no need to take downtime after your treatment and if you really want to, you can get back to normal straight away. Most doctors advise taking 24 hours to rest and relax and it’s best to avoid strenuous activity.

After treatment, there are no recovery instructions to follow or special lotions to apply; you can simply get back to work or follow your normal daily routine.

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