Pregnancy & Follicle Tracking Scan

Follicles are the specific parts of the ovary that contain female eggs. Follicle size and activity can be used to ascertain when you are likely to be ovulating, and so follicle tracking allows a doctor to examine your ovulation and even predict when you are likely to be ovulating. In terms of examining fertility, a measure of how many follicles you have is a good way to check that all is as it should be on that front. The technique is also useful for people undergoing assisted reproductive therapies like IVF (in vitro fertilisation).

Diagnostic technologies have evolved to the point where most potential causes of fertility problems can be detected effectively. That being said it is still estimated that about 30% of infertility cases remain unresolved. Chances are however, that if your doctor is arranging further testing he or she will be able to determine the cause of any fertility issues. These tests are used broadly and are likely to be available at both NHS Fertility Units and private healthcare fertility services.

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