How does Binovum work?

As Binovum contains both oestrogen and progestogen derivatives, it is classed as a combined contraceptive pill. It is a very effective method of preventing pregnancy as it has three main mechanisms by which it reduces the chance of becoming pregnant.

Firstly, it tricks your body into thinking that you have already ovulated. In a normal menstrual cycle, oestrogen and progestogen levels rise and fall in accordance to the time of the month. By introducing a continuous influx of these hormones, the pill can make your body think that it has already ovulated. One egg is released every month so if your body believes it has already done so; another egg will not be released for fertilization. This is a very effective way of preventing pregnancy as if there is no egg to fertilise in the first place, it is very unlikely that you will get pregnant.

Binovum also alters the uterus lining. Every month, your uterus lining builds up in anticipation of fertilization. The wall needs to be thick enough for a fertilised egg to be able to embed into it and attach to the wall in order to develop. When you have your period, it is this lining that breaks down. Binovum makes this uterus lining a lot thinner than it would usually be so that in the event that an egg was released, it would be harder for it to embed into the uterus wall. An added bonus of the pill is that periods are lighter and do not last as long due to the fact that there is not as much uterus lining as usual.

The third mechanism Binovum uses is thickening of the vaginal fluid. If it makes the fluid around the vaginal opening thicker, it is a lot more difficult for sperm to move through and reach the fallopian tubes. Millions of sperm are released during ejaculation but not many reach the egg in the first place so by increasing an additional barrier to this process, you can help prevent pregnancy.

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