How does Gedarel Work?

Gedarel follows the same mechanisms that most pills operate by. It prevents pregnancy in three main ways so that if one fails, there are two more that act like back up systems. As long as you take the pill correctly, there is a very slim chance that you could fall pregnant as these mechanisms make it very difficult for a successful pregnancy to occur.

The best way to prevent pregnancy is to make sure that there is no egg released during ovulation. Once a month, hormones such as oestrogen and progestogen play a role in maturing and egg and stimulating its release from the ovary, in the hope that it will become fertilised. If you keep adding a certain amount of these hormones into the body so that it becomes a constant stream, you can make the body think that it has already released an egg for this month. As it hasn’t actually released an egg but believes it has, there will be no egg released during the cycle as only one egg is released a month. Therefore, if there is no egg, there is nothing for the sperm to fertilise and you will not become pregnant.

The second way the pill works is by making the journey to the egg very difficult for the sperm.  Around the opening of your vagina is a fluid that is involved in keeping the neck of the womb clean and healthy. The pill acts on this fluid and causes it to become a viscous substance so that it is a thick fluid that the sperm have trouble swimming through. If you reduce the chance of the sperm getting to the fallopian tubes, you reduce the risk of pregnancy.

In the rare event that an egg is actually released and it becomes fertilised, the pill can still prevent pregnancy. In order to be successful, the egg needs to embed into the uterus wall so that it can take hold and grow into a foetus. The thinner the uterus wall, the harder it is for the egg to implant. Therefore, the pill acts on the uterus wall making it a lot thinner so the egg cannot take hold.

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