Risks of Trinovum

There are some risks that are associated with Trinovum. Although rare, there is a slight increase in the risk of breast cancer and blood clots in women who use the pill when compared to those who don’t. It is unlikely that you will experience these risks but they are associated with the pill so you need to be aware.

There is a slight increase in the risk of breast cancer if you use the pill.  This disease is rare for women under the age of 40 and the risk increases with age. The risk also decreases back to normal, ten years after you stop using the pill. Therefore, you are more at risk if you stop using the contraceptive pill at the age of 40 rather than at the age of 30.  You are more at risk if you use the pill and are severely overweight, are older or have a close family member who has had the disease. Look out for lumps, changes in the nipple or dimpling of the skin, as these can be signs of breast cancer. 

The pill has also been linked to a rare form of liver cancer if you have taken the pill for a long period of time. There are also links to liver disease and non-cancerous tumours although all of these conditions are extremely rare. If you have severe abdominal pain or jaundice, contact your doctor.

There is also an increase in the risk of blood clots because oestrogen can make the blood clump together more often.  Clots can occur in any blood vessel and they usually occur in the lower leg to form a thrombosis. This becomes very dangerous if the blood clot dislodges and travels to the lungs where it can cause a pulmonary embolism. Blood clot formation can also be life-threatening if the blood clots block the blood vessels that supply the heart and brain because they cut off the blood supply to these vital organs and result in a heart attack or a stroke. You are more at risk of a blood clot if you use the pill and are immobile, smoke, severely overweight, have a history of the condition or have just had a baby.

Side effects of Trinovum

There are a number of side effects that are associated with Trinovum. Some of them are more common than others and if you experience any of them for a long period of time or you experience the side effects that are classified as serious, you need to seek medical attention.

Contact your doctor immediately if you notice any of the side effects listed below because they are indicative of dangerous health conditions. Seek medical help immediately if you experience chest pain, trouble breathing, pains in your limbs, swelling of the limbs, blurred vision, slurred speech, numbness, dizziness or severe headaches. You should also seek help if you get lumps or changes in your breast, severe abdominal pain or jaundice.  If you have an allergic reaction, where you face, mouth, throat or lips swell contact your doctor immediately.

There are a number of less serious side effects that are reported more commonly. If you experience any of these for a long period of time, seek medical attention. You may experience nausea, vomiting, headaches, irregular bleeding, stomach ache, hair loss, tender breasts, mood swings, depression, changes in weight, changes in sex drive, changes in appetite, thrush or potentially gynaecological problems.

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